Sarina Whitlock gave the number 102. And with that, Im supposed to - TopicsExpress


Sarina Whitlock gave the number 102. And with that, Im supposed to tell you 102 facts about myself. 1. My middle name is Ian. 2. I subscribe to a number of conspiracy theories including the fact that aliens are here. Perhaps in this room right now. 3. I have a cat with a poopy bum. 4. I was born in a hospital. 5. My town hall is level 6 but will be level 7 in 2 days. 6. I prefer raw vegetables for dinner, mostly carrots, celery and beans. 7. I hate two things above all else, the first is Sarina Whitlock. 8. The second is absurdly long lists. 9. I played Chaos Space Marines in warhammer 40k. 10. I am evil. 11. My favourite Marvel character is Loki. 12. My second favourite is Magneto. 13. My house has two bedrooms. 14. I have THE CROHNS. 15. Women find me unappealing. 16. My favourite DC character is LOL JUST KIDDING I DONT READ DC. 17. My TV remote is black. 18. It has white buttons. 19. I am universally regarded as the greatest author ever to be called Scott Ian Lovesy. 20. Ive been to France. 21. And Austria. 22. And Germany. 23. And the United States. 24. Four times. 25. Screw you Sarina Whitlock. 26. I am a philosophical idealist. 27. I hate materialism. Its a crock. 28. My favourite movie is the Matrix. 29. My favourite album is A Natural Disaster by Anathema. 30. Ive been to hospital for infliximab infusions now 17 times. 31. Im not doing this anymore. 32. Scarlett Johansson. 33. *Dribble* 34. Ive been to England. 35. I have no babies nor any intention of having any. 36. This is half because of number 15 and half because I would like to focus on my own journey through life. 37. I believe in the existence of a perfect consciousness that is the source of all things. 38. My favourite game of all time is Final Fantasy 7. 39. Ive written four books. Some of them are okay. 40. I think that the prevailing mindset of modern society is the lowest dumb ass horse shit that has ever existed ever. 41. I dont like people as a whole, but I give individual people the benefit of the doubt. 42. I have a BA with a major in English and Psychology. 43. Ive never been to prison. 44. Time doesnt exist. 45. I like animals. Theyre cute. 46. I won the Rowan Kelly memorial prize in Form 7 English. 47. I mentioned it a few times in day to day conversation afterward. 48. I am the only person in westlake history to win the prize both as a student and as the tutor of a student who also won it. 49. That means Im awesome. 50. Except Im not. 51. Im an anti social weiner with no coordination. 52. When I drove I took out a letterbox and a bunch of other assorted stuff. 53. I have an Avengers Hat. 54. I shave approximately once every 2.5 days. 55. I was once loyal to Playstation before PS3 disappointed me and I switched to Xbox360. 56. I watch an absurd amount of trashy reality TV. 57. I can recite every winner of Survivor, and the entire cast in order of eviction for at least 25 out of 28 seasons. 58. Ive been to Switzerland. 59. And Hungary. 60. And Czech Republic. 61. Sarina believed I wouldnt do this. 62. Sarina is so wrong. 63. I was diagnosed with the Crohns at the age of 22 but had likely had it for 2 years before that. 64. Id rather be looking at pictures of Lauren Cohan than compiling this list. 65. Accept it. Aliens exist. 66. Ive never been to Antarctica. 67. Or Greenland. 68. Or Finland. 69. I do want to go to Finland though. 70. I go crazy if I dont get at least two hours of alone time a day. 71. Pretty introverted if you hadnt noticed. 72. Gonna take me a lot of therapy to get over revealing this much information about myself at once. 73. I work for a financial services company where I do stuff. 74. This stuff includes copywriting, database work and admin duties. 75. I think Lost is the greatest TV series in history. 76. The Walking Dead has ascended into second place. 77. 24 will have to deal with third place, even though Jack Bauer might be the best TV character ever. 78. Im currently watching Two and a Half Men and realising why this show bites. 79. I have a fairly decent singing voice. 80. I was in the choir in Intermediate. 81. Ive lost my high range now, but mid range I can hang. 82. I can also do some mean death growls. 83. The secret is project from the back of your throat. 84. I once performed a mocking cheer about a man in the army and he did not kill me afterward. 85. I have in fact never been killed by anyone. 86. The only sports trophy I ever won was runner up in Indoor Cricket. 87. And it was probably because of me that we lost the final. 88. I can watch every single ball of a 5 day game of Test Cricket that ends in a draw and not regret a second. 89. Ive never been to Argentina. 90. Ive kissed more than 5 girls but less than 15. 91. Why the hell are you still reading this? 92. You really shouldnt be this interested in my life. 93. I am legitimately surprised that Facebook is allowing a post this long. 94. Ive never been in a physical fight. 95. Ive never broken a bone. 96. Ive never had a beesting. 97. I believe the meaning of life is the ascension of being through a multifaceted experience of the infinite culminating in a realisation of our true nature as the nexus of all things. 98. I havent done karaoke but would so rock some Phil Collins. 99. I feel an odd compulsion to bend every single paperclip I come into contact with. 100. My favourite written work is John Miltons Paradise Lost. 101. I have a haircut approximately once every six weeks. 102. Suck it I did it.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:16:35 +0000

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