Sasural Simar Ka 24th August 2013 Written Update The episode - TopicsExpress


Sasural Simar Ka 24th August 2013 Written Update The episode starts with mataji telling prem that she knows her prem very well and he is not greedy and selfish. But he is emotional and weak from heart cause. And that’s why she took the decision of the property keeping on pari’s kid’s name. And she also knows that if she would have done this then shobha would have encouraged him to leave the business and do a business separately and she doesn’t want her prem to go more far from them. She then apologises to simar for her decision and goes from there sadly. Then roli and simar promise to each other that they will re-unite prem with his bhardwaj family. Thay are discussing about how to go about their plan. Dadi goes to prem’s room to keep the jug of water and she sees simar is not there. She keeps the jug and wakes up prem and asks him that how is he sleeping so deeply that he doesn’t even know that his wife is not there beside him. Prem gets shocked and then they both go to search simar. Then they both go downstairs to search simar in the hall and kitchen. Then prem tells dadai that they should find simar on the terrace because whenever simar is tensed or is troubled, she always goes on the terrace to release her tension. Prem also says that after today’s problem , she must have surely gone on the terrace. Then prem and dadi go on the terrace. Before they both reach the terrace, simar hears the sound of footsteps and roli goes and hides behe hind a wall. Then prem and dadiji enter the terrace and see simar standing there and looking outside. Then simar turns back and sees them both. Then prem asks her that what she is doing here so late at night. Then simar says that she came there to have some fresh air. Then dadi starts finding everywhere on the terrace. Then simar asks dadi that what she is looking here and there. Then dadi says that she is looking for what simar is upto. Then dadi goes to find near the wall, then simar calls her. Then dadi goes there and then simar says that why she always doubts her. Till their talks are happening, roli goes behind a saree put for drying. They both there talk and then prem says that they shall now go down. They go and sleep. Next day morning pari is showing her earings to everyone and everyone like it and compliment her. Dadi sees those earings and asks pari that who gave her those ear rings and she says that roli gave her. Then dadi says that why is she lying and she should tell her the truth. Then pari says that roli only gave her. Then simar, prem, janvi, roli and sid come. Then prem asks dadi that what happened and thens he tells him that simar has gifted pari the ear rings. Then prem asks simar and she tells him that she gave pari the ear rings. He gets shocked to hear this and then dadi says that finally prem got to know that simar is with the bhardwaj family. Then simar is about to say something to dadi but prem takes simar’s hand and tells her to promise him that she will not keep any relation with the bhardwaj family and if she keeps so then they will leave the house that very moment. Then simar removes her hand and catches his hand and takes him to the family and says that they are his family and he can’t forget this family and he can’t leave them and go to make new relations. She says more but dadi gets scared and says that they are the killers of his father and mother so he can’t be with this family. Then there is a small argument between dadi and simar. The episode ends on simar’s sad face. Precap: – Simar, prem , dadi, janvi and anjali are leaving the house with their luggage and where dadi and janvi are happy as they have succeeded in their plan. Simar is sad and prem also. Then roli comes out and promises to herself in her mind that she will get prem and simar in the house and it’s her promise.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 04:12:41 +0000

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