Sat. 2nd Aug PLEASE SPREAD FAR AND WIDE. Extract from - TopicsExpress


Sat. 2nd Aug PLEASE SPREAD FAR AND WIDE. Extract from theunituk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5492&Itemid=22 ThEUnit (th-eu-nit) have approached 48 Eurosceptic MEPs, who are either newly appointed or on a returning term. We approached them with a series of 3 emails, each of which was tracked by our iSAM systems and links to our website monitored. On reflection of the results we think the message is pretty clear. Were on our own ! One of the people who influenced me the most on the topic of the EU, gave me grave warning. He said to me, The parliament in Europe is toothless, and has no power what so ever. You can enact nothing, and nor can you change anything. Indeed the only thing that your attendance in the parliament achieves is to validate its existence, and to be complicit in authorising illegitimate consent, to which you have no mandate from the people of Britain. If we are to return sovereignty, liberty and the full democratic rights of the British people to a body of elected representatives with true authority to enact law, provide and protect the interests of the British people, then I believe this will have to be done by us ( meaning: us the people of UK ) alone. Take a look on YouTube and see for yourself your body of Eurosceptic MEPs dispensing their sermons on EU policy to an empty hemicircle. They can cry foul, and chatter and voice about how the British people are affected by EU Law, Directive and Regulation, but no one in Europe is listening, and nor do they even care. Their activity might just about appease the uninitiated, who watch with glee their hapless prose, on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, but it matters not one jot. As we reported in our Free E-Book, in November 2014, the full gamut of powers under the Lisbon Treaty will be enacted by Qualified Majority Voting, and then my friends your mainly Eurosceptic representatives will have just 8% of an EU wide vote with which to save our sorry backsides from the totalitarian state with its 111,000 (and counting) laws and directives, and under a Judicial system (Corpus Juris) in which there is no presumption of innocence and that YOU have the responsibility to prove your innocence. Good Luck ! Isn’t it time the British people woke up and learned the truth ?
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:43:32 +0000

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