Sat Nam! if your not into reading my post, pls skip to the - TopicsExpress


Sat Nam! if your not into reading my post, pls skip to the bottom, take a moment to sit, listen to the mantra, be in peace, feel loved! Thank u Jaswant Singh for sharing this mantra each Saturday at Sadhana! major life changes need less adjusting when we just accept we are where we are supposed to be. challenges serve a purpose and a way to liberate, awaken and grow! essentially life guiding us to us! Ive been on a more committed healing, spiritual path as of late, trusting, and letting go. all aspects of life have changed, accept for the me within. that relationship is stronger than ever. quieting the mind with meditation, filling the heart with devotion, i feel a deep connection and purpose in life. how do i know Im following my heart, my souls direction? i look at the world around me, who asks me what questions? where am i called to serve? is there love? is there friendship? is there community? do i have the energy to step up? or am i tired? feeling unsatisfied? unfulfilled? what are my thoughts? whats the current mantra going on up there? is it the same old tiresome recording, like my entire iTunes playlist on random shuffle and repeat? Hit the pause for just a moment! or choose a track that uplifts and inspires! currently living off the land on the sunshine coast, in a little school bus, on an organic farm. the opportunity graciously offered by my yogi brother Nam Hari, while i do KY teacher training in Vancouver at Yoga West Home of Kundalini Yoga. Infinite gratitude to the Sangat, the community out here. what i experienced this weekend was deeply moving! we gathered in the ambrosial hour (4am) to meditate on the one creation, to raise our frequency, to experience and bow to the devine within us all. Blessings Jaswant Singh Ranu for leading us on Saturday. followed by breakfast and some uplifting conscious discussion. Blessings Nam Hari for your classes on intuition. nourishing the bodies and minds of many in the community with your organic veggies and warm heart! Your energy, and humility is inspiring. During the evening we gathered in a small group of conscious men at the Gurdwara at Yoga West to talk about Men stuff, and contemplate Yogi Bhajans teachings on being a man....theres hope ladies, theres hope world! were working on us!! with the old piscean hold dissolving we can be the lions we truly are, without fear, without containment. we can express ourselves, our love, our insecurities, bless them, learn and grow from them....and let them go! With all the energy of the sun and the consciousness to know what to do with it, we can support and drive the changes we must face in the future. Blessings Ryan OFlaherty for the effort you put into this, it is so essential, and to men of consciousness, the 3HO Mens Camp group! There were KY teachers and students coming and going, supporting each other, with presence, music, meditating together, and serving each other at every opportunity. Many gathered during the evening to chant devine mantra, and bathe in the bliss of Naad with Wendy DeMos Jai Gopal, her band, and Nirinjan Kaur! You may have felt it no matter where you are! We rose together once again Sunday as a community for Sadhana under the guidance and fatherly presence of Hari Singh Khalsa. We then gathered to chant and praise the devine. Blessings Siri Amrit Singh Khalsa, Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa, Hari Singh Khalsa, Nam Hari, Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa, and all those who lead us in Gurdwara service, for sharing your gifts, and provided the nourishing Langar. May we continue to nourish our mind, body, soul, and humanity in this way! The weekend was so full of love, selfless service, connection, childrens laughter, and inspiration. (my heart is still overflowing). there was really nothing that felt more right than to gather together, with reverence and love, and bow to this life, and the creative force behind it all, within us all, nestled within each breath, and each beat of each heart! wherever you are and whoever is around u, that is your community! open your heart, raise your frequency to that of love, be in the moment with your presence, listen with your heart, and bring consciousness! We as humans are craving community now more than ever, lets nurture ourselves with conscious ones. if youre not happy with something, in the news, in the world, in your life, use that energy to make change, take a step....remember, You are the ONE....You are not the only one..... but You are the ONE - Guru Singh (hope i got your quote right Ji). Many Blessings to all life. With reverence to the one in all.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:29:10 +0000

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