Sata Diagnosed With Organ Dysfunction – Report Zambian - TopicsExpress


Sata Diagnosed With Organ Dysfunction – Report Zambian President Michael Sata who is receiving medical attention in Israel has been diagonised with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), intelligence sources monitoring the President’s treatment have told Zambia Reports. According to the sources, The Medical team conducted preliminary investigations on the Zambian President on Wednesday 25 June 2014 and concluded that he had MODS. “The medical team attending to the President has diagonised him with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome or MODS in short in medical term. That is what is at hand though we know politicians will say something else,” the source said. The source said after arriving in Israel, the medical team had to first stabilise the Zambian President before embarking on diagnosis because he was ” worn out” during the 14 hour Air Ambulance flight from South Africa. “The Doctors had to first stabilise him when he arrived in an air ambulance because he was worn out after a 14 hour flight. So they only did the diagnosis on Wednesday,” the source said. According to another senior Doctor who has been following President Sata’s health from early 90′s, MODS is a continuum, with incremental degrees of physiologic derangements in individual organs. “It is a process rather than a single event. Alteration in organ function can vary widely from a mild degree organ dysfunction to completely irreversible organ failure,” the source said. The source said the degree of organ dysfunction has a major clinical impact. “MODS is simply defined as a clinical syndrome characterised by the development of progressive and potentially reversible physioligic dysfunction in two or more organs or organ systems that is induced by a variety of acute insults including sepsis (Blood Infection),” the source said. zambiareports/2014/06/27/ satas-diagnosed-organ-dysfunction- report/
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 04:16:43 +0000

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