Sata Mocks Zuma at African Union Summit Published January 31, - TopicsExpress


Sata Mocks Zuma at African Union Summit Published January 31, 2014 By Charles Sakala President Michael Sata has exported his infamous joking habit of mocking bald men, making strange comments before the respectable and high profile African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia yet again. This time again, Sata is reported have stressed South African President Jacob Zuma in the main arena by bluntly asking his counterpart why he liked cutting bald-heads. According to a journalist covering the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Idriss Ali Nassah, Sata is reported to have walked to where President Jacob Zuma was spotted and thumped him on the bald head before ask the South African leader why he liked cutting all his hair. “Michael Sata just had to do this: Walks up to Jacob Zuma, playfully slaps him on the head and asks, “Why do you shave like that,” Nassah reported. This is the second time that Sata is removing etiquette from the protocols that characterise the African Union Summit in Ethiopia. Last time, Sata tormented President Zuma for having a bald-head. During another summit of Heads of State and government in Ethiopia last year, Sata publicly humiliated his South African counterpart for donning a bold head. This was during Sata’s address to the summit, but his actions brought so much shame and embarrassment to the people of Zambia. During the current African Union Summit, Zambians expect to hear more drama and comedy from their president who is never shot of breaking etiquette at such international gatherings. President Sata seems to be haunted by bald heads and has developed a profound hatred for the hairstyle such that he loses his cool and etiquette even at important international and diplomatic gatherings such as the United Nations and African Union meetings. During the previous meeting in Addis Ababa, he characterised his official address with stand up comedy, in which he taunted other leaders with bald heads. These included Jacob Zuma and Democratic Republic of President Joseph Kabila who spotted bald heads in the audience. At home, he has embarrassed his staff at State House such as George Chellah his spokesperson and Kaizer Zulu, the State House Permanent Secretary who have bald heads, forcing the individuals to started keeping afro-hair styles for the security of their jobs. Cabinet ministers such as Education Minister John Phiri and his contemprary from Home Affairs Ngosa Simbyakula have been forced to abandon bald head cuts. During official events such as the swearing-in-ceremonies that have become rampant at State House, President Sata does not allow people with bald heads to attend the functions. In 2013 and 2013, President often attacked MMD president Nevers Mumba for cutting a bald head. He claimed that Dr Mumba was not fit to be president of Zambia because he failed to look after his own hair.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:51:12 +0000

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