Sata Needs Rest, says Fred Mutesa Zambians for Empowerment and - TopicsExpress


Sata Needs Rest, says Fred Mutesa Zambians for Empowerment and Development President Fred Mutesa says President Michael Sata needs to either step down or appoint a loyal vice president while he takes enough time to rest. Mutesa said this in the wake of the debate raging in the country after a frail looking President Sata suffered through a 29 minute address to parliament. President Sata was forced to cut short his speech when his voice apparently gave up on him. “For us as a party considering that President Sata had been missing from the public for a long time and there was concern expressed by many in the nation by his state of health,” he said. “When he appeared in parliament it was his condition that overshadowed whatever else he had to say in his written statement. We feel that the man needs rest, we seem to have lost our soul as a nation and we believe it is time to return to being a humane and compassionate society.” Mutesa said, “President Sata needs rest, he needs to recuperate he needs to be fully fit to discharge the functions of his office. Our advice would be for him to take a leaf from the late Nelson Mandela and immediately appoint an energetic, loyal and capable Vice President to help him with the burden of directing the affairs of the nation while he recuperates.” President is in New York attending the United Nations Heads of State Assembly and is expected to address the global leaders. zambiareports/2014/09/22/sata-needs-rest-says-fred-mutesa/
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:24:40 +0000

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