Satan is attempting with much effort to show and broadcast through - TopicsExpress


Satan is attempting with much effort to show and broadcast through the lives of many both in the pew and pulpit THAT THERE IS NO STANDARD REQUIRED OF GOD ! A lot are saved (I believe even genuinely) but Jesus is not their Lord. How can that be ? That is the only explanation for Christians who after claiming to be saved LIVE ALMOST EXACTLY AS THEY USED TO LIVE ! When a person is saved, the old should pass and the new come 2Corin5:17. The only new things regarding such is that they now come to church and have a big brand new bible ! This is why your marriage can break in church, you can be conned out of your money in the temple of God ! The bible says we should watch and pray ! but in many churches now, you better DO A LOT MORE WATCHING THAN PRAYING, less when you are busy praying, you will become a prey ! Heaven now is looking for those who will not just make Jesus their savior AND JUST CONTINUE LIVING THEIR OLD LIVES but He is looking for those WHO WILL ACCEPT HIM as Lord too. Whoever is your Lord, YOU WILL SERVE AND REPRESENT. So genuine Christians have the Lord as their Saviour and Master. They obey Him in ALL THINGS ! Am I saying it is easy NO !, there are things He has instructed me to do THAT I STRUGGLE WITH MUCH ! But in the end, I say" No, I will not betray you in my generation" He has no physical body on the earth except through the ones that accept His as their Lord. The tragedy of our times is that many profess Him as their Lord BUT THEY ARE WORKING AGAINST HIM in their lives. If you are not propagating the Word in your life, you are not GATHERING WITH HIM, you are scattering Matt12:30. If you fall in sin REPENT and GET BACK IN LINE ! He is WAITING FOR YOU. Gathering for the kingdom means by men copying the way you live, they get closer to God. Is your drawing people to hell or heaven ?
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 10:55:02 +0000

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