Satan is not powerful, JESUS HAS CONQUERED HIM!!! Too often I - TopicsExpress


Satan is not powerful, JESUS HAS CONQUERED HIM!!! Too often I see and hear conspiracy theories concerning Satan and his power and deceptions, too often I see people elevating Satan instead of Jesus... Yes Satan is a roaring lion, yes he does have power, but it is limited! Jesus has already beaten him, and some day soon Jesus will come back to end him. So lets elevate Jesus and his power to save rather than elevating Satan... put Satan in his place, as the loser he really is! And lets focus on what is actually important, THE GREAT COMMISSION! not these hobby-horses. But back to the conspiracy theories, I just want to share a few thoughts on them. These often consist of some scheme Satan has in order to infiltrate our lives, and a lot of these theories are pretty out there too. Christians often get caught up on these hobby-horses about Satans cunning schemes and they put so much focus on the darkness of Satan that they lose sight of the Light. So I just want to shed some light on this stuff, so you can see what is truly important in this life. My first point I want to make is this: The people presenting the schemes tend to misquote Hosea 4:6 implying that the knowledge spoken of in the verse is, in my words, a hidden knowledge, something that isnt necessarily obvious, so they feel the need to educate people on said knowledge so they may be saved.. but really, if you unpack that verse, its actually talking about a knowledge of God, not a hidden knowledge. the NLT actually says it My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me. So thats the first point I want to make: - These people claim you can be saved by Hidden Knowledge, but its only Jesus that saves! There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 My next point I want to make is this: these conspiracy theories Give Satan more power than he deserves. When you uplift Satan and his power in this world, you create in people fear towards him. When people learn that we should fear the world around us because Satan might get you, they essentially become paralysed with fear, because they eventually become too afraid to do anything, they become too afraid to live life. God created us to live and have abundant lives, but more importantly to live for him. How can we do this when we are too afraid to experience life, to take risks, and to step out into an evil world and save the lost, because satan might get us, or because we might become polluted by the world. I know from my personal experience that Satan had more power in my life when I feared him in this way, because I lost focus on the love and the saving power of God, thus allowing satan to rule my heart instead. Its rather ironic really. And dont get me wrong, as I said above, Satan does have power, but its limited, because Jesus has Conquered him! When Jesus died on that cross, he set us free from Satans power. So dont let fear of Satan cripple you, because Gods grace is sufficient for us (1 Cor 12:9). The other way Satan receives power from the conspiracy theories is what I mentioned above, Christians get too caught up in them that they forget their true purpose, to spread the gospel. We are called to bring people to Christ, not bury them under a load of fear of Satan. My final point I wish to make is this, the bible says we are children of light, not of darkness (1 Thess 5 and Eph 5:8, look them up). In my blog post, you will have noticed so far I havent said anything about whether there is any truth or not in the ideas these theories present, and I will not determine that either, because there are many that hold a lot of truth, but there are many others that are a load of rubbish. I dont want this to be about whether they are true or not, because I dont want to focus on the darkness, but on the light. Look at it this way, the bible is full of light, more than enough to guide us in this life. Now a conspiracy theory might warn you to not watch movies because Satan will get you through hidden messages etc, or more so the obvious evils they tend to exhibit. This theory focuses on the darkness, on Satan and his power. But the bible says in Phil 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. if you lived by this principle, if you lived by this light, you wouldnt want to watch many types of movies, because you know that they dont keep to this principle, they dont keep to the light. instead of focusing on the darkness of how bad the movies are, you focus on the light of Gods word and chose to follow that instead. And this can be applied to all aspects of life. We are called to be children of light, not of darkness, so lets no get on hobby-horses about how evil the world is, rather lead people instead to the light. And perhaps you may think its good to have an awareness of the darkness, I wont disagree here, rather ask the question, whats more important? darkness or light? The bible is our light, and when we focus on the light, we dont need to focus on the darkness, because the light will expose it anyway! (tl;dr) Just to conclude, I want to reiterate my points I made above: - Jesus has conquered Satan! - We are saved by Jesus alone. - Conspiracy theories can give Satan more power than he deserves and create in us crippling fear. - We do not need to fear Satan, because he has been beaten. - Conspiracy theories can distract us from our calling, the great commission! - We are children of light, not of darkness. lets focus on the Light and live in the light, not in the darkness. - Gods word is a light, and if we focus on that light, we wont need to focus on the darkness, because the light will expose the darkness! - Put Satan in his rightful place, Jesus defeated him on the cross, and will soon end him for good! - Jesus is on our side, and his grace is sufficient for us!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 02:19:08 +0000

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