Satan twisted God Words so you need to WATCH OUT DONT BE DECEIVED - TopicsExpress


Satan twisted God Words so you need to WATCH OUT DONT BE DECEIVED BY RELIGION ONLY FOLLOW THE BIBLE compare your church against the 10 commandments, as God is consistent from the beginning to the end, Think about it Our God is not a scatter brain or unpredictable or either unstable we service a logical God. If you practice soccer/football all week whats the point turning up a day later as the match/day organised is over. Our God has a day/a temple in time He has blessed, sanctified and set apart for us and its NOT the 1st day SUNday read Exodus 20. Its The 7th Day/Saturday/Sabbath that wrote down with His own fingers in stone. 100 million % Jesus is coming back for those who keep the commandments ( not suggestions ) of God ( not Jesus ) who also has the testimonies of Jesus ( Rev 14:12 ). He is calling you into His rest ( not work ) are you tired of doing everything in your own steam and want to service Our logical God, well accept His rest and start reading and Obeying the Manual of LIFE The Holy Bible, and REMEMBER its a narrow gate and many will be DECEIVED The Narrow Way Matthew 7:13 “ENTER by the NARROW gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to DESTRUCTION, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because NARROW is the gate and DIFFICULT is the way which leads to life, and there are FEW who find it. JUST REMEMBER WHO JESUS IS COMING BACK FOR Revelations 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God ( not Jesus ) and the faith of Jesus ( believe Jesus died for our sins ) John14:15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. The pharisees kept the law in their own strength and without love, Jesus came to forgive us of our sin and ask us to repent (dont do it again) out of Love, The Law still exist but we are not saved by it, Simply It is honour/Respect/Obeying and an outward automatic Relationship Response to our Love for The Lord God of Heaven (our Creator) and His Grace, we keep His Commandments in His strength not our own, The more we allow God to transform us the more we reflect Him and not ourselves https://youtube/watch?v=BfnQwNY9Xpg
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 08:56:08 +0000

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