Satanic Pulpit, Beware! And the New Style Prophets (1) By Dr Lewis - TopicsExpress


Satanic Pulpit, Beware! And the New Style Prophets (1) By Dr Lewis Akpogena Every thing that has an original copy also has a counterfeit. The imitation or photocopy of a thing is not and can never be equated with the original product. The counterfeit will certainly be deficient in some very vital details. Even as God who is the Creator has his divine pulpit, priests, ministers and worshippers, Satan, who is the enemy of God has also an organized network of pulpits and “ministering priests” that fight and oppose the righteousness of God. This is the revelation contained on this great book entitled: “Satanic Pulpit beware” authored by Commandant Ezekiel Emmanuel Duke. This sense is based on excerpts from the book the revelation contained in this series will help you know that not every rod or instrument of ministry is from the Lord God. That some so called ministers and miracle workers are actually magicians. How to discern these agents of darkness that parade as angels of light. The features and methods of operation of satanic pulpits. How to cast down these satanic pulpits which are actually altars of unrighteousness. Satanic pulpit, yes, it is real and very practical! If I hadn’t known God as an undefeated war marshal of both heaven and earth, Apostle Duke wrote, I would have said that satanic activities and institutions will soon submerge and silence God’s heritage. When Satan begins to take over some churches, open more, raise apostles and priests of satanic order, exercising control over the affairs of life in the very nose of the numerous churches scattered all over the world, there is cause for alarm. No doubt we are in the end and perilous time with their associate spirits and manifestations, but the Church of Jesus Christ is empowered to checkmate all satanic incursions but when the so called church who should stand as watch dogs against the wiles of Satan begin to adopt some satanic doctrines, method and ideas unknowingly and knowingly for a faster breakthrough, there is problem. There are churches and pulpits instituted and established by the satanic kingdoms and gates. Not everybody you see in the market, business centres, shopping malls are buyers and sellers. Many are from satanic spiritual world and many of the product people rush and acquires as standard goods are from the satanic spiritual market. If this is true, then it means that, not every place where prayers are offered and solutions given to problems are God’s house of grace and pulpit of deliverance, some are satanic. A SATANIC AGENT VISITED OUR CHURCH FROM THE SEA = A few years after we started our church a young man by name Mike visited our church claiming to be an orphan that needed help. We received and allowed him to stay in the church, and I instructed the resident pastor to keep watch on him for there was something about this young man that troubled my spirit, but I couldn’t place or catch it immediately. However, we intensified prayers in the church, not to be taken unawares this is the only safer way to deal with confusion, troubled spirits. Prayers, prayers and more prayers. NO RABBIT OR SNAKE CAN HIDE IN A HOLE WITH FIRE - One day during ministration, the power of God struck him down, he began to manifest. Meanwhile, he had started to manipulate the church and my pastors causing confusion among the church workers. And I started receiving reports that Mike will go out in the evening and return in the middle of the night. When questioned he will claim to have gone to see somebody, but he said he had nobody. I had to step in and challenge him and when he saw that the atmosphere was too tight to continue his operations, he broke down and confessed. You will raise a strong and fiery confrontation against all satanic pulpits and agents. If God’s people were as bold and confrontational to altars and ashrams the way Satan’s agent dare the church, the devil would have truly stayed at his desolate place. How many Christians can boldly step into Amorc and Hare Krishna temples to wage false worship with divine presence in you? Battles with the quickest victory must be fought at the gates of the enemy. MIKE’S CONFESSION - Mike was a stannic agent sent directly from the sea. He said that he was sent from the marine world when the parents were looking for a child. He entered the mother’s womb and was carried for nine months. As an infant, he disappeared from the house one day and went back to the sea and until that time the parents were still searching for him. He said there is an organized kingdom in the sea where he attended school, and now he was grown up and was sent back to the world to initiate more people cause havoc and destroy churches, and that he has destroyed, converted several pastors and changed their pulpits to satanic pulpits and that many pastors come to the sea to seek for power to run their churches should I repeat that? Most of the supernatural feats made manifest by many so called ministers of God are aided by satanic forces. Satan has a rod to make things happen. He said he came for a special mission in our church, but because of the righteous stand of the church he couldn’t succeed. Mike used to do a whole lot of horrible things including turning to a girl to thumb free rides, etc you can never get any truth from him, he is very slippery and dicey, yet detailed and composed in his expression. He will not think before telling a very smooth sympathetic lies that will make you accept him. We need discernment in the church, homes and our societies to stop satanic orders and advancement. We tried to convert Mike but to no avail, he only faked repentance and I had to forcefully pack him out of our Church premises. He cried and pleaded, but I refused for his tears were fake, then he disappeared again to God knows where. Until today I do not know the whereabouts of Mike, the priest from the sea. BEWARE, SATANIC PULPIT. The likes of Mike are all over the places with their enterprising churches and businesses. For your information, they will not wear black cassocks and other outward satanic ensigns that will makes you identify them easily, but taking on a clean attire like a genuine pastor. They use the bible and do exactly what the living churches are doing but with ulterior motives. Not every rod is the Saviour’s rod, every and any rod can turn into serpent. Beware of miracles initiated by satanic pulpit! “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know. Them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns? Or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither Can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every Tree that bringeth not good fruit is hewn down, And cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord Shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven”(Matthew 7:15-21). As we proceed, we shall share with you how to identify them. Not every pulpit is the true pulpit of Jesus Christ, many are satanic gates. SHE CAME FROM THE WATER TOO - There is this woman who is married with children with an enterprising pulpit ministry in the city. The story surrounding the origin of her ministry has it that she was sick and every effort to secure a cure proved abortive. A prophet was consulted who took her to one waterside whereby two of them went into the water and disappeared and after some days, the man brought her out of the water without her cloths being wet. Whereby, she started her pulpit campaign as having received a call from God. She visited my church in disguise, deceived two of my ministers and gave one a husband. They had a very shabby wedding, took in and lost five pregnancies now they are separated and the man has remarried. The other pastor is roaming about with no direction, and their pastor from the sea has abandoned them, mission accomplished. Devil do not have a sustaining blessing but a temporary heights of lifting that will bring a great fall. Do people receive ministerial calls from the sea? The call of Jonah wasn’t from the sea, but from heaven on the land, he only landed in the fish’s belly via the sea due to rebellion what kind of pulpit is this lady operating with? No doubt she is using the name of Jesus, but the oil in her ministry is of strange order, yet she is very bold, making influence. The subtle part of it is that she invites great men of God to minister on her pulpit to receive an accreditation; stamp of approval, but it makes no difference. As a called minister, you should not accept every invitation and do not minister on all pulpit, Apostle Duke advised. New style prophets from Nigeria and Ghana have bastardized the once prestigious prophetic ministry and turned it into a caricature of visions of phone numbers, bank details and ladies underwear. The prophetic ministry is one of the fivefold ministry which Jesus Christ gave for the edification of the church (1 Corinthians 12 vs 28) writes Obinna Akukwe in his article entitled: “NEW STYLE PROPHETS AND THEIR VISIONS OF PHONE NUMBERS, BANK DETAILS AND LADIES UNDERWEAR” - The New Testament order was apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. The reigning craze among the new style prophets is calling people’s phone numbers and bank details on the pulpit. Some of them, in order to convince the congregation that the Holy Spirit is in operation and can reveal the dee pest secrets, mention the colours of underwear, panties, brassier of pretty female worshippers to the cheering of equally spirit filled congregation. Prophets have been used by God occasionally to reveal deep secrets about people especially when a gross danger is about to envelop a person, city or nation and profers solution on how to overcome the situation. (Ezekiel 11:1-4), therefore the bastardization of the process by fraudsters does not eliminate the existence of true prophets and pastors. The prophetic ministry is the highest in ministerial rankings, Jesus Christ called himself a prophet who is without honour in his home (Matthew 13vs 56-58) and Apostle Peter while addressing the crowd after the healing of the lame at the beautiful gate said ‘’For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you. 23 Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from their people.’[a ‘’ (Acts 3 vs 22-23) The Bible said that God will send them a prophet in the order of Moses and Elijah. During the time of transfiguration of Jesus Christ, two prophets, Moses and Elijah appeared and flanked him. (Matthew 17 vs 1-3) Most of the fathers of the faith, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Daniel operated the prophetic unction. Therefore, prophetic ministry is a ministry ordained by God as a medium of directly communicating his mind to people. Simply put, prophets are spokesmen of God who must deliver the counsel of God whether the recipient likes it or not. Not done read next issue. Have question you may call: 08033399821 or write akpogena@yahoo. Stay blessed. Dr. Lewis Akpogena, a Christian Devotional Writer/Minister, Education Management and Media Consultant write from Port Harcourt
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 15:33:12 +0000

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