Satans Masterpiece: The Roman Catholic Church (Demonic Teachings - TopicsExpress


Satans Masterpiece: The Roman Catholic Church (Demonic Teachings Exposed) MYSOULREFUGE MYSOULREFUGE 1.872 35.508 Hochgeladen am 03.12.2011 Do you know why I did this teaching on the Roman Catholic church? Take a look around, and listen to the Roman Catholic Pope Francis as he calls for a Christian unity with Bible believing Christians. The Pope recently spoke with Kenneth Copelands church via radio in his call for Christian unity. Ulf Ekman a well known Pastor from Sweden, recently announced that he and his wife have converted to Roman Catholicism. I am a former Roman Catholic, and I am here to tell you that the RISEN and LIVING, LORD JESUS CHRIST saved my wife Cathy and I, out from the DEMONIC darkness, and deception, of the Roman Catholic system. The Roman Catholic teaching on the SACRIFICE of the MASS, qualifies it as a FALSE GOSPEL! They teach that one of the purposes of the Mass is to satisfy the justice of God for the sins committed against Him (Lesson 27: Purposes of the Mass, item#4 page 173, The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism,) Folks that is an absolute insult to the FINISHED and PERFECT sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST for our sins! (Romans 5:6-9) My Bible tells me that the justice of God was satisfied by JESUS CHRIST, when he died on the cross, and any person can get saved through simple faith in Him! For when we were yet without strength, in due time CHRIST died for the UNGODLY. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But GOD commendeth his LOVE toward US, in that, while WE were yet sinners, CHRIST died for US. Much more then, being now JUSTIFIED by his BLOOD, we shall be SAVED from WRATH through HIM. (Romans 5:6-9) I do not need a Roman Catholic Priest as a MEDIATOR, to SATISFY the justice of God for my sins! In fact the Pope and all his followers are in dire need of salvation themselves! The Roman Catholic church has kept people in bondage for centuries now, and you will rarely hear a Pastor, preacher or minister WARN about these things! Millions are completely unaware that the Road to Rome is a demonic, and slippery slope which will lead them to spiritual destruction! There are many who soft soap the Gospel when it comes to Rome, and the Roman Catholic charismatic movement has deceived many! I know because I was once part of that movement also. Do not be deceived, because the Catholic charismatic movement is still Roman Catholic to the very core, which includes the Mass and their exaltation of Mary! THE LATE KEITH GREEN, a Christian musician, songwriter and author, wrote the following about the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: To merely call such a system a CULT, would be to throw it into the vast category of religions and quasi-religions that are currently making the rounds of our college campuses and city streets, snatching up many an unsuspecting youth. No, the Roman Church is not a cult. ITS AN EMPIRE! With its own ruler, its own laws, and its own subjects! The empire has no borders, it encompasses the globe with its eye on every person who does not vow allegiance. It calls the members of other faiths SEPARATED BRETHREN (The term used by Vatican II to describe the members of Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant churches.) and has as its goal the eventual bringing together of EVERONE UNDER ITS FLAG. I know that many will not be convinced or moved by this article (or any of the others) to make such a conclusion. They are impressed by what theyve heard about recent stirrings among the Catholics in the charismatic renewal. Many evangelicals (especially Charismatics) have been thrilled by the reports of Catholics speaking in tongues, dancing in the Spirit, having nights of joy and praise, even attending charismatic masses. Mouths that used to speak out boldly against the Church of Rome have been quieted by the times. It no longer is in vogue to speak of the pope as the antichrist (Although the following people unhesitatingly did: Martin Luther, John Bunyan, John Huss, John Wycliffe, John Calvin, William Tyndale, John Knox, Thomas Bacon, John Wesley, Samuel Cooper, John Cotton, and Jonathan Edwards.) Now Protestants unwittingly believe that our differences are not so great. Ah, that is just what She needs us to think! Ive never completely understood why God led me to write these articles. But it becomes more clear with each day of study, and each page of research. Never has something so black and wicked, gotten away with appearing so holy and mysteriously beautiful . . . for so long! [Keith Green - The Catholic Chronicles] FAMOUS EVANGELIST LEONARD RAVENHILL ON THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH! America would shake from coast to coast in twenty-four hours if some preacher, anointed with the Holy Ghost, gave the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH a broadside! These PRIESTS who dope mens souls,these idolatrous masses, these CALVARY eclipsing prayers to Mary, these miserable millions CHEATED in life and in death by the GREATEST FORGERY LUCIFER EVER MADE. (Why Revival Tarries by LEONARD RAVENHILL, Bethany House Publishers, 1988, Copyright 1959) Kategorie Menschen & Blogs Lizenz Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 11:12:38 +0000

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