Satans Strategies (Inspired by a sermon from Tim Conway on - TopicsExpress


Satans Strategies (Inspired by a sermon from Tim Conway on YouTube ) Satan tries to divide Christians, discourage us, and deaden us. Divide and conquer is the strategy of any army in war. Why? Because there is strength in numbers as Maximus in Gladiator says. Also Ecc. 4 says: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.... 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Though one may be overpowered.... Satan always goes for the lost sheep, the lone ranger. That is why Jesus says that he will leave the 99 to go looking for that one, because He knows that one is in serious danger because it is alone. Where two or more are gathered in my name there I am in their midst. But if Satan can divide the two so that they are no united he has won some ground. In the early church Satan was trying to cause division. Peter tried to separate from newly converted Gentiles when Jews came in the room but Paul rebuked him. Satan was trying to convince Peter to keep the Jew/Gentile division. Satan also tries to discourage us. He tells u we cant do it; we wont accomplish anything so why try? etc. His main tactic is fear to do this. He gets us to become afraid of everything; a fear of man, a fear of losing things, getting robbed etc. He tells us Dont go to areas that might really need you. You have to be concerned for your safety. Dont leave your comfort zone. Stay where things are nice and easy. After all, you have to look out for number one right? So he tries to strike fear into us and to take the courage out of us. But the Holy Spirit does the opposite; the Holy Spirit makes us bold! Amen. Lastly he tries to deaden us. Satan tries to put us to sleep with TV, or many different kinds of diversions. He tries to distract us and get us to forget about God, at least for a day. He tries to draw our hearts away from God by tempting us into sin. And then the sin deadens our hearts and makes us numb. Satan tries to distract us. He tries to get us to care less about things. He tires to get us to care only about ourselves and not about others. Satan is a lot smarter than we think he is. He was the number one angel in heaven before he fell. He knows how to plot schemes to try to take us down or out. He knows very well what he is doing. He is watching us and looking for any chance he can to make us trip up and fall. We need to be aware of his presence. We need to see him for what he really is. And we need to be careful to not get fooled by him into letting ourselves get divided, discouraged or deadened. Amen. God bless!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 07:20:08 +0000

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