Satan’s Blades I don’t need much explanation for the title of - TopicsExpress


Satan’s Blades I don’t need much explanation for the title of this writing, but why am I speaking of this today? Yesterday I was watching the news and it seems that there are muslim terrorist group factions training inside the borders of the U.S. If you don’t believe me, then your are naïve and truly blind to what is going on within the borders today.. Just look around, feel the fear, and the stress of just living, and look a little deeper, you’ll see the problem, satan is there amongst you, as he is amongst all of us. Lately all we have seen these ‘factions’ do is lie, kill and destroy, just as satan is leading him into these things because he the liar, killer and destroyer of everything here on earth. We see these ‘factions’ which is still part of the religion of death who as a whole try to condemn these ‘factions’, but still rejoice that allah’s quran is being fulfilled, we see them kill and maim & mutilate in the name of their god. They behead those who stand in the way of their god, not necessarily standing against them, like why would women and children try to stand against a powerful nation on their own? I’m sure these workers of iniquity are getting plenty of praise from satan for sure. O.k. I want to move on with the word beheading here for a moment. We find there are number of beheadings in scripture, the 2 most famous are that of John the Baptist and the slaying of Goliath. 1 Samuel 17: 48- 54, “And David stood upon the Philistine, drew his sword, slew him, then cut off his head”, then in Matthew 14:3-12, we see John the Baptist met his doom through a request by Herod’s daughter, “And she brought his head on a charger , and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother”, and also, “ and his disciples came and took up his body, buried it, then went and told Jesus.” So here we are today, but I have to tell you that throughout history the british crown, the catholic church and the French guillotine were very ‘effective beheaders ‘FOR GOD AND COUNTRY’. But what is happening today that makes this current rash of beheadings any different than those of yesteryear? What I’m going to say might shock just a little but this truth is something I really need to share: THEY ARE ONE IN THE SAME! THEY ARE ALL USING SATAN’S BLADES TO CUT OFF THE EHADS OF THE ‘MARTYRS. When the catholics speak of serving the same god as the muslims, I guess they got that part right. Just refer to their book of catechism #841 and deny this fact that is part of them. I bet if you are catholic and reading this, , you should update your wisdom and knowledge of what is written in this book and try to match it with biblical teaching and truths… Tell me what you find… God Bless! Now at that, today we see the religious leaders calling for a new world order right along with all these political agendas of governments and organizations today. World Bank, European Union, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, the catholic leaders and other religions all this coming under one banner, wanting the new world order to come into fruition. Everything is becoming linked worldwide here people. Let me move into to a little about what the end times is all about. Matthew 24 12, People will become cold blooded murderers just taking it to the streets, with no agenda at all, but will have something that will light the fires to start riots, looting and even just blatant killings. How many people have been beheaded in the ‘Untied’ States since 2004? Look up the stats you might find it ‘unnerving’ and I’m not going to give you the figures, you just have to look up this gruesome fact yourself. Today society is this, 2nd Timothy 3:1-7, look this up as well because it is a ‘wonderful’ portrayal of what the human race has become. Do you think all these current beheadings are just going to stop in the middle- east? THEY ARE RIGHT NEXT TO YOU TODAY!!! The Beheading in New Jersey was caused by Who? Why? And how did the government take action against this or any other transgression by muslims or any extremists for that matter???!!! Even the shooting at Fort Hood a couple years back, which happened pretty much in my backyard, was considered an act of jihad, AND THAT GUY IS STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION!!! He should have been shot for treason according to military codes. This worker of iniquity is still in court today….HHMMM I’m ready to finish, because if you don’t get it by now, then your’re probably not concerned about your own welfare, or the welfare of your family. Revelations 6:10, “They cried out with a loud voice, “Holy and true Master, How Long will you wait before you pass Judgement? How Long before you require justice for our blood which was shed by those WHO LIVE ON EARTH?” Each one was given a white robe and told to rest a little while longer-until their fellow servants, brothers and sisters- who were about to be killed as they were- were finished.” BOTTOM LINE END OF STORY FOR MANY, JUST THE BEGINNING FOR THOSE OF US WHO WERE SHOWN THE TRUTH AND FOLLOW THE CHRIST, THE WORD, AND UNWAIVERING IN OUR CONVICTION. Don’t ;et anyone get in your way when Jesus calls you, break through the lies and the death and the hate of your friends and families and just get out so you can prepare yourself through Christ Are you ready to die? For Real--- Are you ready?? One more time--- Are you?? IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!!! THIS WORD HAS BEEN BROUGHT FORTH!!!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:42:52 +0000

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