Satan’s master plan THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD - TopicsExpress


Satan’s master plan THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH.PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE. @ “How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? Ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence. They only consult to cast him down from his Excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly.” (Psalms 62:3-4) “They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be not more in remembrance.” (Psalms 83:3-4) “But I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee; which have said to thy soul, bow down, that we may go over: and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the street, to them that went over.” (Isaiah 51:23) Satan’s master plan was to make the black race a race of no people. We were stripped of everything; our name, our God, our religion and our culture: “For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without ter-a-phim: afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days” (Hosea 3:4-5) “Now for the long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law”. (2 Chronicles 15:3) In the days of slavery black people were never permitted to read the Bible unless a white man was there to interpret it. We now know that Jesus and all the apostles and prophets were black: (Song of Solomon 1:5; Revelation 1:14-15; Daniel 7:9) “They shall run to and fro, and know ledge shall be increased.” (Daniel 12:4) We also know that Elijah is the last prophet from God: (Malachi 4:5-6). Some religions teach that John the Baptist was Elijah, but John the Baptist said in (St John 1:19-21); “I am not Elijah” They also read (St Matthew 17:12-13) and understand this to mean John the Baptist was Elijah, but verse 13 means, he came in the spirit and power of Elijah, he was not the man Elijah: (St Luke 1:17) The western religion made all original Hebrews (Jews) who were black, white. (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9) In may 14, 1948, the Balfour declaration set up the state of Israel.for more information please call- 592-231-5546/219-0430/676-6798,after reading please SHARE.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:16:26 +0000

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