Sathya sai Said : As a pilgrim, you are helped or handicapped by - TopicsExpress


Sathya sai Said : As a pilgrim, you are helped or handicapped by the antics of the mind. The mind has as its warp and woof, desire or thirst for something or the other, getting some gain or avoiding some loss. Desire arises from attachment, which is a consequence of delusion. Desire distorts and denigrates the mind, and keeps it incessantly agitated. No sheet of water can be calm when stones drop on it, and if there is a perpetual shower of desires, it will be pitifully restless. The bliss which emanates from the Soul (Atma) must be stored leveraging the reservoir of your mind (Buddhi). But, if the reservoir has many cracks and crevices (senses), bliss (Aananda) will be frittered away rendering the reservoir of mind dry. When the hunger of the senses is sought to be appeased, your mind becomes vacillating and wayward. Your mind’s legitimate role is to be the master of your senses, which are its servants.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:42:32 +0000

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