Satsang shared by a uncle. .. Om Namah Shivay, Shivji Sada - TopicsExpress


Satsang shared by a uncle. .. Om Namah Shivay, Shivji Sada Sahay; Om Namah Shivay, Guruji Sada Sahay. The first time I came to know about Guruji, was two years back, by my wife when she came back home after attending Guruji’s Satsang in our neighborhood which was organised by Mehra aunty. She was so amazed to hear the satsangs of several people who narrated their experiences that when she came back home, very excitedly she told me that we should visit Guruji. I told her that all this was nonsense and that I don’t believe in Gurus and Babas. How could a person cure cancer and other diseases, it was really stupid on our part to believe such things. If this was the case then all the hospitals like Apollo, Fortis etc. would close down and everyone would go to Guruji. Once again, Mehra aunty organized another Satsang the next year. My wife told me to attend the same but I was adamant and refused and told her that if she wanted to go then she could go. Again she was very excited when she came back and this time asked Mehra aunty to take her to the Bade Mandir but unfortunately couldn’t go. She also asked me to take her to the Bade Mandir. I remember telling her how silly she was to believe in a Guru, and that I would never go to him because I lived by the philosophy that I shouldn’t do anything bad to others and also bear no ill-will. It is not that I did not believe in God, but going to temples etc. was not my cup of tea. Anyway, time passed then one fine day my mother’s cousin Gilani uncle came to our place in April 2012, with someone who wanted to invite us for his son’s wedding. Then Gilani uncle started describing to us about his experience with Guruji and narrated his satsangs nonstop for 2 hrs. How Guruji has given him life when even hospital like Escorts couldn’t do anything for him. Such powerful Satsang left me with no choice, I had to believe him. I decided that I would definitely go to the Bade Mandir to see for myself how these miracles were happening. My mother-in- law told me to only go to the temple after the 13 day rituals had been performed since my father-in-law had passed away. I agreed but my curiosity to know about Guruji was increasing every passing day. By the time about 5 days were left I had already done a detailed study about Guruji and the Bade Mandir and satsangs. I had gathered all the information available on the internet. However, to be very honest at the back of my mind, I was very confused about how Guruji could cure all such diseases which were not curable even by doctors. Ultimately, the day came when we visited Bade Mandir- I can’t forget that date 12th April 2012. This was a day before Baisakhi function, so we had to park our car 2 km from the temple and had to walk down to the temple, we were amazed to see the cleanliness in the temple and the environment was very positive. Since we were new to this place we just did what others were doing. Anyway, after having Chai Prasad I went to the wash room in the mean time my family went for Langar Prasad. I was left alone. When my family came back from Langar and enquired if I had Langar Prasad, I replied that I hadn’t, but it was okay and that we should go home but they insisted that I should have Langar Prasad. They were all aware of my habit of visiting any temple only once. Finally, I agreed. This was my first experience of having had Langar anywhere in the temple. I just walked towards the backyard of the temple where Langar Prasad was being served and all the sangat was sitting for their turn but nobody stopped me. Anyway, I sat down and two more aunties came and sat there with me. When the sewadar came with the Langar Prasad thali I had no idea that 4 people would have to share the thali. I was not comfortable with that at all. All those aunties sitting in front of me were from some nearby village and eating Langar Prasad in a way I didn’t like. Anyway, after finishing Langar, I rushed to the gate where my family was waiting. I was now sure that I would never come back again. However, as soon as I reached the gate, I turned back and enquired about Guruji’s jhoola from Mali uncle standing there, since I had seen jhoola on the website. Besides, I would not visit the Mandir so wanted to see it that day. On reaching the jhoola I was surprised that the sangat was bowing down at the jhoola. I bowed down too. Then, I also went to bow in front of the ‘kutia’. People were standing in the line to bow down there we also stood. This was the moment I was blessed with Guruji’s divine fragrance. The experience cannot be explained in words! It was as if someone had poured a full bucket of ‘Dabur Gulabari’ on me. I was even more surprised, because my elder daughter, my wife and younger daughter did not get the fragrance although they were standing near me. This was the turning point of my life. We came home extremely happy; this was the happiest day of my life an amazing experience with Guruji. Next day, was Baisakhi function which I couldn’t attend, but my entire family went to attend. They were surprised to see such a large gathering and a beautifully decorated temple. They felt as if they were in heaven. On our next visit to the Bade Mandir was on a Monday, where we met Jethra Uncle. He narrated his experience about how Guruji had given him life and also told us that, “Uncle thoda sa vishwas karo aur Bade Mandir aate raho Zyada vishwas tab karna jab aap ke sath kuch ho jaye”. He also told us that we must come on Monday and also at least once a week for langar Prasad. We followed his advice. Two months had passed, and suddenly one day I realized, that I had stopped taking Otrivin, which I used to take every night 3 to 4 times as I was suffering from blocked nose. I had consulted a lot of doctors and ENT surgeons regarding this and undergone plenty of tests at Fortis. I had even had homeopathic medicine for 5 months. In fact since the past 17 months, it was difficult for me to sleep in the night and therefore had been taking Otrivin. However, on the very first day of my visit to Bade Mandir, Guruji cured me by his divine fragrance. He has blessed me and now I have utmost faith in Guruji. Moreover, I need not ask for anything. Whatever is happening to me is in accordance with His wishes. Jai Guruji
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:09:36 +0000

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