Saturday, 08 March 2014 06:52 Uduaghans Achievements - TopicsExpress


Saturday, 08 March 2014 06:52 Uduaghans Achievements Irreversible in Delta says Okubor Delta State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan has been described as the most under-reported governor in Nigeria, even as his achievements in Delta State have been defined as irreversible.This observation was made by the Chief of Staff to Governor Uduaghan, Chief Dr. Festus Okubor, when he played host to the members of Anioma Media Network, AMN, during a courtesy visit to the COS, in his office in Government House, Asaba, on Thursday, March 6, 2014.Waxing biblical, Dr. Okubor noted that a man who is diligent in his ways and works will sit and dine with kings, adding that Governor Uduaghan was worthy of emulation and study in the manner with which hehas displayed great commitment to the mandate of governing Delta State, especially in the sustenance of peace and security and the care and attention given to the suffering and underprivileged people in the society, amongst his other achievements.Okubor said that since 1999, there had been incremental development in the state and the governor Uduaghan administration has raised the bar of development to enviable heights with legacy projects in all sectors that are irreversible, even as he affirmed that the desire of Governor Uduaghan to finish strong at the end of his tenure is already manifesting in the effort to ensure that all major projects arecompleted before the tenure comes to an end in 2015.The Chief of Staff did not mince words when he averred that Governor Uduaghan was working with a divine grace and direction which has enabled him to see and know how to serve Delta state and improve the state from what he met on ground, adding that the Uduaghan administration has overcome the usual ad-hoc approach to governance which is the bane of most administrations, by put enduring structures on ground that will serve several generations to come after his tenure ends.He expressed his dismay over the fact that Governor Uduaghan was the most under-reported governor by the media in Nigeria, in terms of his notable achievements and while he was quick to highlight thesimplicity and pragmatic nature of the governor as an attribute that may have contributed to this oversight, however thanked the Anioma Media Network for the encomiums showered on Governor Uduaghan, as underscored by the series of national and international media awards bestowed on Governor Uduaghan recently.He affirmed that the zeal and commitment of Governor Uduaghan to finish strong will be given greater urgency and the efforts on the work already in progress will be accelerated, adding that even now,when the administration was winding down, the governor was still conceptualizing new and more enduring projects that would bring more dividends of democracy to Deltans and there would be rest for anybody until these projects were brought to a satisfactory conclusion.Okubor then went further to advice media practitioners to move away from the old fashioned liberation journalism and embrace developmental journalism, noting that leaders and government will be greatermotivated to deliver more dividends when their developmental strides are appreciated, just as the Anioma Media Network has done with its recognition of the good works of the Uduaghan administration.The Chief of Staff hailed the Publications of the Anioma Media Network for embracing developmental journalism and noted that community newspapers had a great role to play in society as they were theclosest information organ to the people at the grassroots, promising that he would deliver the goodwill of the group to the governor, even as he assured them of the full support of his office in theirendeavours to report and promote Delta State positively.Earlier in his opening remarks, the National President of Anioma Media Network, Mr. David Diai, said the group had come to pay visit with the Chief of Staff, in line with the mandate of the group to connect with their Anioma brothers and sisters in all spheres of the Socio/political space.Diai noted that Dr. Festus Okubor has discharged his duties as Chief of Staff, Delta State government house with admirable administrative excellence and intellectual brilliance all of which have positionedhim favourable to handle higher challenges in the state if called upon to do so, adding that the Anioma Media Network was poised to offer its services and support to the Chief of Staff, if and when the need arose, in the collective effort to move both Anioma and Delta State to the next level especially as the 2015 general election approaches
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:43:21 +0000

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