Saturday. 1/3/15 So sorry I didnt post last night. It was a rough - TopicsExpress


Saturday. 1/3/15 So sorry I didnt post last night. It was a rough evening. Doug had to have a drain placed due to fluid build up that was displacing the brain, They took him down to surgery around 7 last night and placed it. It immediately started draining and the Dr was very pleased. They also have found a blood clot in one lung. At this time he cannot be placed on blood thinners with his brain injuries. It is such a tightrope for the Dr. To walk. The ortho Dr said leg injuries doing very well as is all other vitals. The Neuro Dr is concerned that he is not waking up as quickly as hoped and not giving the Neuro indicators when checked. This journey is so encouraging to your faith at times and at other times you cant catch your breath! This is truly one of the toughest test of our lives. The prayers of all you Prayer Warriors truly hold us up when we are not capable of doing so ourselves. Someone posted on FB about a professor holding a half filled glass of water up to her class and asking how much it weighed. After several guessed the weight, she explained it really didnt matter how much it weighed if you only held it for a few moments. If you held it for several hours your muscles would become stiff and sore. But if you held it for days, it would paralyze your arm. Then she explained so it is with our fears and worries as Christians. If we only hold them for a moment before laying them down at Christs feet it doesnt hurt us. If we hold them for several hours we become stiff and distant in our fellowship with Christ. If we continue to hold on to them we become paralysed in our fears. Never more has this been real to me! Sometimes it is so easy to lay our fears and anxieties down and give them to Jesus, but other times our grip is so strong as we hold on to them,we become paralysed. It would be nice to say our faith is so strong we lay them down, but in truth there are times when I feel so numb and paralysed that I cant breathe. Thats when I am so thankful for all your prayers and support. James 5:15-16 tells us: And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; if he has sinned, He will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayers of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers. When those fears and anxieties come, I can pray with more faith because I know there are so many praying with me. Specific Prayers for tonight and tomorrow Pain controlled Neuro indicators strong as he awakens Breathing and temperature to regulate I also will be in prayer for all of our Church Family for your pain and a spirit filled service to help you. Hugs and love to each of you, Nadine
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:22:55 +0000

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