Saturday 19th October: 7 Wind. Wind / Iq / Ik Translation: - TopicsExpress


Saturday 19th October: 7 Wind. Wind / Iq / Ik Translation: Hurricane Wind. Keys to Growth: Purity & Clarity Qualities: Spirit, breathe, wind, inspiration, presence, truth, co-creation of reality, simplicity, unseen forces. Integration of polarity. Symbolises vital spirit, lightening, storms, currents of air, cleanliness & the purity of crystals. It is the day the wind was born, the continuous & infinite breathe of life. Wind is the element that governs ideas & change. It is life & represents renewal. It is the heart representing the acts of divine beings on the ritual stage, giving power to life or the power of nature. It also represents the space inside our bodies. It is the power of planting the seeds of good ideas. The spirit of truthfulness & honesty. Positive aspects: They can adapt to any situation. Their actions are pure. They are dreamers, merchants & innovators. They make excellent executives & are brave enough to confront any sort of crisis. They are physically strong. They receive divine visions & have a futuristic outlook. They are extreme thinkers & are fond of travelling. Negative aspects: Very strong personalities. Fickle, impulsive, temperamental & irascible. They tend to be unfaithful to their partners. Impure, violent & dishonest. They may suffer from social & financial problems. They are proud, vindictive & unpredictable. They are erratic, calm at times, demanding at others. Shadow Wisdom: Doubting your connection to divinity. Issues of separation, thinking you are separate from spirit. Shadow Transformation: Learn to sense & experience your connection with the divine by acting on inspiration as it comes to you. Meditation: I am the fertilizing force of the cosmic wind. Affirmation: I am the unified presence of SPIRIT. Energy of the Day: Day to analyse the reality that surrounds us, be aware if there is order present, look for patience that allows us not to act impulsively. Good Day For: Performing ceremonies for the spirit of air & wind, asking for spiritual strength & purity. That the wind takeaway our suffering. To heal those with psychological problems, heal those with problems in the lungs. To be rid of obsessions, hate & depression. To give thanks for nature & no more contamination. Power Animal: Humming bird & Hawk. Stone: Tigers eye. Herb: Sage Flower: Daisy Power Places: Jungles, ceremonial centers, step pyramids. 7. Uc / Wukub: Reflection. Mystical channel. Self sacrifice. Self-acceptance. Connection. Technician of the sacred. Direct connection with the source. Learning from mistakes. Material world. Restlessness. Mysticism. Top of the pyramid of time. Platform of the sky. Seven is the sacred balance of the dual polarities. Direct connection with source. A mirror to divide light and dark & to reflect all that is and is not. Relax & let go. Trust your own movements. Make time for meditation, as you become a receptacle for messages from the universe & the multidimensional Maya. 7 is the top of the pyramid of 13. Seven people are potential keepers of the Eternal Flame of the people. KEY: Observing & inspiring.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 11:45:54 +0000

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