Saturday, 25th October. WHAT PRAYER WILL DO FOR YOU. - TopicsExpress


Saturday, 25th October. WHAT PRAYER WILL DO FOR YOU. And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation. (Luke 22:40 KJV) It is one thing to pray and it is another thing to know what you are doing and what kind of benefit you are appropriating to yourself. If you know what you do for yourself each time you pray, you will not need anyone to encourage towards praying anymore. Our text reveals one huge benefit of prayer that is so glaring: 1. Prayer Will Keep You From Temptation. The bible has said in James 1:14, that every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust. So temptation is first caused by our lust, it is not so much of someone trying to make you fall, but a strong desire or craving for something considered wrong. So prayer kills your lusts and adjusts your desires, leaving you only with the right desires. To abandon praying is to make much room for the lusts of the past to grow and overwhelm you such that you will not know when you start misbehaving all afresh. If you ever heard that anyone fell or backslid, regardless of their status or standing in God, please know right there that something went wrong with their prayer lives. Believe me, and know that this is true. When the enemy begins to distract you from praying or prayers, know that he is about to revive one former terrible habit of yours. It shall not be your portion in Jesus Name. Pray so you dont become a prey. 2. Prayer Will Help You Overcome Temptation. Our Lords Prayer as taught in Matthew chapter six makes it clear when it said lead us not into temptation. As long as you live in the flesh you will be tempted. But temptation in itself is not the problem, it is entering into it that is the problem. Jesus was tempted in all points but never yielded to temptation because He was a man of prayer. Prayer thickens your spiritual skin against the things that satan (who is the tempter) throws at you every day. Your success rate over temptations directly from satan and from people or situations is tied to your prayer consistency. I am talking about your prayer fellowship with God. Receive grace for a consistent prayer life in Jesus Name. Assignment. -Set your alarm clock to wake you up by at least five am each day, so you can wake up to pray. -Arrange things each night that will assist you in prayer by morning before you sleep. Such as worship materials, books, etc. Prayer. -Lord increase my prayer burden each day in Jesus Name. -Father charge my spirit for effective engagement with you in prayer in Jesus Name.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 10:00:01 +0000

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