Saturday, 29th June BE A SOULWINNER “And they that be wise - TopicsExpress


Saturday, 29th June BE A SOULWINNER “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3) You are God’s star, a star for Christ. The Bible says that wisdom makes a man’s face to shine; it causes him to be so bold and daring (Eccl. 8:1). It brings convictions into him, and makes him fully persuaded about the truth! Be a man of convictions and let the convictions of the Gospel drive you to action. You were born to shine for God. That’s why He’s been loading you with His word. You are His light to your world; He’s made us His ambassador. And He’s given us the blessed responsibility of bringing others into His glorious kingdom, turning many to righteousness. That’s why He didn’t just take you immediately to heaven after your salvation, but kept you here for His business of soul wining, of telling others about His love and grace. The Gospel has been committed to our trust—we must tell the untold about the Father’s love. We must go out and reach out to the needy, win the lost, heal the sick, bind up the broken–heart, restore the backslidden, by unveiling the Father’s love to them. And we are not alone in this. The Holy Spirit is here with us to help us. He is our Helper, and He has given us the power to be witnesses for Christ today. So when we say to someone “Jesus loves you”, it comes with power to cause changes in their lives. When we lay our hands upon the sick, they get healed, because of the Holy Ghost. Take your place as a soul winner today, and do everything possible to share the Good News with someone! Shine for Jesus! Prayer: Precious Father, thank you for the grace and privilege of sharing the Good News today. As I step out today to reach out and bless my world. I pray for them, that their eyes be opened to your love and salvation. Thank you for boldness and utterance to preach the gospel and win the lost, in Jesus Name! Further Insight: Proverbs 11:30 Study Plan: 1 Samuel 13-14
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:15:04 +0000

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