Saturday: Had a great breakfast, then took to the road. The hills - TopicsExpress


Saturday: Had a great breakfast, then took to the road. The hills were no trouble except my chain kept falling off when I switched to the low gear, and I had to dismount, and manually put the chain back on! With dirtied hands, I continued. Made it to Castlegar: 48 km. Quickly consumed a banana and a pear, and rode southward. Rumblestrips on the edge of the highway were a hazard for me; I was afraid that if I rode over them at any speed, my teeth would rattle loose (my real teeth!). Made it into Trail at 12:30 pm; 73 km. Bought a Coke and ate a cheese bun. Weird folks at the river side park. I had to gobble my food down, and scram out of there. Left at 1 pm. Ascended the 2 km steep hill (8% to 10%?) to Montrose, then cruised on to Fruitvale; 92 km. Re-filled water bottles at the local Sub shop, and carried on. Salmo at 3:15 pm, 117 km. Ate a roast beef sandwich with cherry tomatoes and a V8 juice, and re-filled my H2O bottles again. A ball game was going on in the park, with folks shrieking and cheering, and athletes running, and me in the background gobbling down more food. Ymir: 130 km. The main street was abuzz with folks celebrating some event. I slowly made my way through groups of people, and around toddlers waddling across the road. A final last push for Nelson. Must have been delirious because for the last hour I found myself singing "Summertime" by the Zombies. I was in town by 5:45 pm; 161 km; 7:39 riding time. I changed clothes, and did a few hours of work. Rode up the hill to home. My stomach growled, and my knees quivered, and my brow poured sweat, but I was home. 168 km. My 40th "century" (100 miles or more in one day).
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 04:55:51 +0000

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