Saturday, January 10, 2015 The doctors and nurses have told - TopicsExpress


Saturday, January 10, 2015 The doctors and nurses have told us repeatedly that we would have good days and bad days. We would take a step forward and then backward. BUT, our God is so Good!! Doug was wide awake when we walked through the door this morning!! He was excited to see us. We saw glimpses of his personality as he answered yes and no questions. He is aware enough to feel discomfort, but that in itself is so good! Hard to see him unable to get comfortable, but he liked having his back and shoulders rubbed. Doug has always been very protective of me, and today I told him to put his arm around my neck to help brace him and he could pull against me. He shook his head no! He braced himself with the bed rail and pulled against it. He put his arm around my neck, but it was just for a kiss!! Sometimes, I am so shocked at reactions from him. I know he is not fully aware and sometimes he does funny things that lets us know that. Making noises with his mouth, some are what I had told him before were little boy noises. His sister Stella has told us he was always busy and noisy!! Still is!! She was with us today and asked him to puff out his cheeks for her. He did and blew out the air. What a wonderful time. He will absolutely wear you out because he tries to get comfortable and constantly moving, readjusting or stretching his arms. We have to be careful that he doesnt pull tubes, press on forehead or sutures and doesnt disturb leg fixation. Our girls said his arms were like anacondas.! And how wonderful each breath, each movement and each expression made are to us. God has brought him back to us!! My heart is so full of love for him and thankfulness to God for what we have seen and the peace in knowing God is still at work in him. His doctors today said they were so pleased and shocked at such a huge change in him and that it happened so quickly. They started him on an increased dose of blood thinners today for the clots. His Neuro surgeon said everything looked so stable she felt very comfortable in doing so!! All I could say is God loves him, and He hears and answers prayers!! Amen and Amen. They have changed the trachea tubes so that he doesnt have extensions protruding from them. He now has a simple collar but it sounds different. Doug notices the sounds and gets a little anxious. He wants to breathe harder than necessary. We continue to tell him to be calm, breathe normal and that he can breathe all on his own, this is to keep him comfortable. He mouths back with he knows As his Mom was leaving tonight, she told him she would be back next week. To reassure him, I told him I was there beside him and I would not be leaving. His response was, I know that! I choose to think that was a good thing!!!!! He sat in his bed chair for 2 hours today. When they finished getting him settled, they opened the curtain for us. He was looking out and saw me. The nurse said, well that was someone he knew. His delight in seeing me walk in truly melted my heart. It really tires him to be in this chair, but again, It is so good for him. After they got him back in bed and bathed, He was really yawning. When I kissed him goodnight and told him I would be back first thing in the morning, He already had his eyes closed and had started dosing. Specific Prayers for Tomorrow: His discomfort Anxiety as he copes with everything around him Continued awareness and healing Exodus 14:14. The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still 2 Chronicles 20:17. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions;(praying with faith believing) stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. (Doug) Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow,and the Lord will be with you. One of the many things I have learned in this journey is, we do not ever have to fight alone. God is with us and so are His praying Saints. Your prayers have held Doug and us up, day by day, moment by moment to the very throne of God. Wouldnt it be awesome if we could see the great cloud of witnesses around us as they surround us in prayers. Wow, Satan is defeated!! If God is for us, and as Christians we know He is, who could stand against us! If anyone reading this doesnt know this wonderful, powerful and loving God we serve, I pray the Holy Spirit would convict and woo you to God. Seek out a Christian you know or a church and find out how you too can be in this magnificent family of God. The best decision you will ever make and one day, we will meet in our heavenly home. It Is Well With My Soul. Nadine
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:30:39 +0000

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