Saturday July 13th Scripture - Matthew 10:27, 28 What I say to - TopicsExpress


Saturday July 13th Scripture - Matthew 10:27, 28 What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Observation: Finishing up our week’s run in Matthew 10 where Jesus in teaching/advising the disciples concerning what lies ahead of them if they proclaim Jesus’ message. Basically, things ain’t going to be easy… Narrative: There is a saying I heard once critiquing our tendency toward personal hypersensitivity that states > it is not what you think about yourself that is important, nor what others think about you that is important, but what you think other people think about you that is important. This reading has always reminded me to concern myself less with being a cultural populist and more about making Jesus method more popular…and let the chips fall where they may… Question: Would you characterize your life as a Christian as easy? If so, according to Matthew 10, might you be need to take a different approach?
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 14:02:12 +0000

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