Saturday, July 27th Out and about in Bergen today. It began with - TopicsExpress


Saturday, July 27th Out and about in Bergen today. It began with a pretty good rain and for once, our umbrellas weren’t in the room. Rains stopped, sun came out and it’s been a beautiful west Norway day. Bergen is a very picturesque sea town. It’s also more than a touch on the hustle-bustle touristy side. For both Laurel and myself, it just doesn’t have the welcoming at-home vibes of Oslo. The buildings fronting the non-industrial segment of the harbor looks exactly like the tourist brochures and the open air market’s a hectic maze of fresh, dried and canned seafood. But one museum on the schedule today; this may sound a bit odd, but it was the Leprosy Museum. Most of the world calls leprosy Hansen’s disease, named after Norwegian physician Armauer Hansen who discovered the leprosy bacillus in Bergen in 1873. The museum is housed in what was St. George’s Hospital, the city’s oldest facility that treat Leprosy patients. Other than modest updates for visitor safety, the facility is structurally just as it was in 1900. Second stop was the Bergen funicular for a wonderful view of the city. We have a bit of a travel history with this mode of transport, so we couldn’t this one. I think some good mussels and maybe a nice piece of salmon are on the menu for our last night in Norway. We will miss you Norway, but not prices. Drink is a real killer. I’m thinking or writing a travel book titled “Norway (and Sweden) on $100 a day, plus whatever you spend for food, lodging and transportation.” Tomorrow, it’s off to London. The last time zone and currency change. I think Laurel has the activity schedule pretty loaded, but I’m sure there’ll be time for a pint or two.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 20:51:13 +0000

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