Saturday, June 7, 2014 Our Father, we come to you this evening - TopicsExpress


Saturday, June 7, 2014 Our Father, we come to you this evening as your Prayer Warriors here on earth, asking that you hear our prayers for those who are sick or just in need of prayer. Lord we know that you have said where 2 or more are gathered there you will be also. We may not be gathered together physically but we are spiritually, so we ask that you be with us. Prayer Warriors it is now time to join our hands to paws to ask the Lord to grant our prayers. We ask that you give each member of the loved ones’ family peace and comfort in the knowledge that their loved one is safe with you in Paradise. Lord, we ask that you comfort this grieving family as they come to terms with tragedy and learn how to go on without their loved ones. Remember to celebrate their life, not mourn their death, for they now dwell with the Lord and his angels. We ask that you give each member of the fur-baby’s family peace and comfort in the knowledge that their fur-baby is safe with you at the Rainbow Bridge. We know that they are in a better place and we are not to mourn a death but to rejoice and celebrate their life. All of those who have gone on before us, will be forever in our hearts even if your name is unknown to us. There is a heartrending moment when pet owners realize its time to say a final goodbye to their loyal companions. So many beautiful pawed angels have left for the Rainbow Bridge. We are sending love, peace and light to their souls as they travel on their new journeys....also sending love, comfort and healing to their families who are dealing with loss and grief. Just believe that all be reunited someday. To Ike DaHusky Pankonien whose Momma is Sylvia Wyon Pankonien, Usagi whose Momma is Aijelle Tortilla, Sadie the Rottie, Kato whose Momma is Betty Ackley, know that you are loved and may the Rainbow Bridge welcome you home. You are forever in our hearts. To all those that died alone in a shelter, or on the streets, we are so sorry we failed you or that the system failed you. You carry a little piece of our hearts with you. I just received some really awful news about one of my step-sons from my late husband. He is the same age as I am and I always teased Tom about having a stepmom 3 months younger than he is. His Dad & I were married 25 years before he passed away. Tom was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Supposedly, after the infection comes out of his gallbladder they will do surgery to remove it and part of the pancreas. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Lord, we ask that you place Tom in your healing hand and place a miracle on him as only you can and let them remove all of the cancer and give him a good quality of life. Lord, we ask that you hold Binkie of Binks & Yoda in your healing hand and give him a touch of healing as only you can. Rockys Biospy results came back and it was a GRADE 1! This is THE BEST news we couldve had and exactly what we and ALLLLL OF YOU helped pray for! POWER OF PRAYER & da Paw & GOOD THOUGHTS really work and we cant even begin to THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH for you constant support and continual prayers, good thoughts, vibes, mojo and juju...and whatever else wonderful. Lord thank you for this wonderful report we have had on Rocky. Lord, we ask that you continue to hold Rocky and Manders and family in your loving hand. Milo Macaroni from Mum...I just got off the phone with Milos vet, it was not the news we all had hoped to hear. I have been told Milo needs an ultrasound, and if it is suspected liver shunt(s), hell need surgery. Liver shunt(s) are/is when some of the blood vessels dont form right as a baby & bypass the liver - instead of going through the liver. Lord, we ask that you hold Milo in your healing hand and grant him a miracle so that he can overcome this. We know that you will do what is best but his Mama is upset as it hasn’t been to long since his brother Spike left to be with you at the Bridge. Doris Pfennig posted Once again I was wondering if you could include my husband and myself in your prayers. My husband is not doing well and got fired from his job today. Since he became ill things have not been well and we really dont have any money to speak of, but now that he lost his job Im scared ! I dont want to lose our home we have 8 furbabies that are counting on me to keep them safe and never let anything happen. So if you dont mind could you ask the prayer warriors to say an extra prayer for us. Lord, we ask that you lay your healing touch on this family so that they can get on their feet once again. Give Miss Doris’ husband the strength and will to overcome his illness and to be able to find another job. We ask this in your holy precious name. Bobbi Brandt Please say a prayer for Cashew and his mom! Cashew has an injury that needs healing! Lord, we ask for your healing hand for this injury. Chrissy Noel posted (Id like to add an anonymous prayer intention for my neighbors cat. Thank you!) For Kako the kitty to return home. She is an indoor cat who has been missing since May 30th, after forcing her way through a screen door during a thunderstorm. Thank You, Lord. Lord, hear our prayer and help this baby find her way home. Robin Warniment posted that her daughter’s dog Shelby is doing better. She is eating some. Lord, we ask for your continued blessing on this little one. Give her the strength and courage to fight through this illness. Squiggy the Squiggmeister Phillips posted Mama called da dogtor. Smokey iz still bery sick. He iz frowin up ebery time he eats or drinks. Dey are gibbin him antibiotics shots an by mouf. An fluids. Dogtor Williams said he iz not blocked up anymore, but hiz kidney function iz horrible. He said he tested him for feline leukemia an FIV. He tested a bery lite positib for FIV, but he said dat cood be because of some of da medicine dey hab him on. He wont be comin home anytime soon. Now we are worried about all da other kittehs too. Sigh. Lord, please surround these angels with your healing so that he can return home to those who love and miss him. Keep your healing hand over all of them so no one else gets sick. We ask this in your Son’s holy name! Lisa Wild posted she will be taking an extended break from rescue. Her old dog, Chester is very ill. She just got a call back from her vet about his blood work. He has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Lord, we ask that you hold Chester in your healing hand. Give Chester comfort, peace and the will to fight this so that he may continue his life with quality and with his Momma. EllieBeans posted I habes some prayers dat I needs help wiff, My bery good furiend, Jakey Bakey has been diagnosed agains wiff cancer...He goes to da vet agains for treatments an I praying so hard it will go into wemissions agains.... Also, Maxxs Daddy has cancer too an da cancer has spwead to his lungs an stomach an is now habing to do chemo ebery week...We just need so many prayers for dese famiwys wight now....Fank youse! Lord, we ask that you hold these in your healing hand and allow their cancer to go into remission. Twinki Gurl has asked that we pray for this little boy. Extensive stays in the hospital have been the norm for little Paakamanao Lee. Since birth, Paa has had 8 operations and 2 open heart surgeries; one at 10-days-old, another at 5-months-old. This month, the 2 and a half year old and his family had to leave their home in Koloa, Kauai once again for Rady Childrens Hospital in California. Paa just underwent his 3rd open heart surgery this past Wednesday. Paa suffers from Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome. His heart has only 2 chambers, instead of the normal 4. Its extremely rare, there are no known causes and its a life-long condition with no permanent fix. Lord this little angel of yours continues to fight on, we ask that you hold little Pa’a in your healing hand and place a miracle on him as only you can. We ask this in your holy precious name. Dex from Texas, Rescue Wonder Dog has asked that we pray for their neighbor Miss Kay. Lord we ask that you place Miss Kay in your healing hand and bestow good health on her so that she may return home to take care of her dog Junior who misses her very much. Update on neighbor: They don’t know anything as the family is being very private on the matter. Here is what Dex from Texas, Rescue Wonder Dog posted: We don’t know becuz they are being private. But need prayers for Uncie (mamas son) who is very mentally ill right now. And for lot rent so we not be homeless cuz mama messed up paying the utilities and now don’t have rent due tomorow. Thank you Lord, we ask that you give this family your protection so that they do not become homeless. Open up the heart of the Landlord to give them more time to get the rent due. They need your intervention in order to survive. Together with Trevor Forever is having a hard time walking. His back legs don’t want to work right all the time. Today was a better day for him. Lord we ask that you take Trevor in your healing hand and surround him with your angels and give him a touch of your miracle healing so that he may be able to walk on his own again with little or no pain. We ask this in your holy precious Name. Caju the Warrior Dog is sick again. He has an infection and unfortunately can’t keep anything down so they haven’t been able to give him antibiotics for it. First he has to have antivomiting meds so he can keep things down. Lord, please give him peace and comfort and help him to have comfort and pain free days of the time he has left. Update on Caju: Things are a bit better. I have kept my food down since this morning--Im eating just a bit at a time. The antibiotic stayed down. So I see mom has to go now but she promises to check in all of the time, and she always keeps her promises. Im going to be okay now--it will just take a while for the antibiotic to kick in and kill off this bacterial infection. Love. Caju. To All Prayer Warriors update on Emmitt’s Daddy’s nephew Steve. Please keep holding Steve in your healing hand Lord and guide him through the recovery of his surgery. Let him feel your love and give him the courage and faith to continue to fight. We have an extremely urgent need of a strong prayer chain. As I’m sure most of you have read about Pepsi-Doodles Mama Betty Haley and the extreme rare disease she has, syringomyelia with chairi malformation, very rare. Miss Betty is now at home recuperating from her collapsed lung. Lord we ask that you hold Miss Betty in your healing hand and place a miracle of her. Give her the strength to fight this latest episode. We ask this in your Son’s holy name. Jody posted Will you please put my boy Harvey the terri-poo on the prayer list. Update: 5/25 I have had a very good day. Thanks to all your prayers. My breathing seems normal. I am no longer eating canned food and did not need my prednisone pill today. Me and Mom are so grateful to our Lord for his mercy, and the many friends prayers and advice. Mom and I are beside ourselves, and humbled. Lord we ask that you lay your healing hand on Harvey the terri-poo and help him to have a better quality of life. LuLu The Dachshund needs prayers. She has an intestinal problem and is going to have an endoscopy done. Lord, we ask that you hold Lulu in your hand and guide the vet as she under goes this procedure. Denise Napier Longley posted my sweet Stormy had a mild stroke. Her doctor said at her age that happens. So we are spoiling her and taking it one day at a time. She is responsive and eating and of course sleeping a lot too. Please keep her in your prayers. Lord, we ask that you lay your healing hand on Stormy and bring her through this stroke with no lasting effect and give her many more years with her family. Peanut Pumpkin Pie Momma posted: I wanted to give another update on our favorite little girl. I had to take her back to the vet again because she wasnt getting better. This time thankfully, she saw her regular vet. We have a handle on what the issue really is where the adequine injections are concerned. As it turns out the product is made from beef and Peanut has shown evidence of sensitivity if not outright allergy to beef in the past. If she eats a piece of beef or beef derivative, she vomits. She cant keep it down. Well, imagine injecting that into her. Hence the terrible illness. Her regular vet made the connection when we brought her in again. Needless to say, Peanut will not be getting those injections anymore. There are apparently other options for treating her joints since she cannot tolerate the arthritis medicine due to her liver and gall bladder issues, but we will not be looking at any of those until she is all well. Lord thank you for guiding the vet so that he was able to determine what was causing Peanut Pumpkin Pie’s illness. We give you all the praise and glory! Chica-Chan has suffered a mild stroke and her Mommy has asked that we keep her in our prayers. She is doing some better and getting ready to celebrate her 17th Barkday! Lord, thank you for all you have done for her and please keep her in your healing hand. Vivian Elliot ask for prayers for her friend Jami, She was run off the road in November and it crushed her right leg, her ribs and bruised her liver. Lord, we ask that you surround Jami with your angels and hold her in the palm of your healing hand while she goes through this procedure. We ask that you place a miracle on her but only if it will mean she will have a good quality of life. We ask this in your Son’s name. Prayer Warriors Ellibean and her Momma and the rest still need our prayers but they are coming along. Things are easing up it looks like according to what is on their page. They are very upbeat! Lord, thank you for holding ElliBeans and her Mommy is your loving hand. Please continue to hold them while they try and adjust to things that are happening. Vivian Elliott posted that Chloe Shih Tzu seems to be having some problems after surgery and needs our prayers. Lord, we ask that you lay your healing hand on Chloe Shih Tzu as she recuperates from her surgery. Ease her pain and discomfort. We ask this in your holy precious name, Jesus. Liza Frakes ask that we please include Miracle Mable in your prayer circle tonight. She was just pulled by Luscious Lucia of Long Islands mommy and when she was taken to be vetted they think they found a cancerous mass in her abdomen. This baby is in really bad shape and needs all the help she can get. You all worked a miracle for Buddy (hes doing fabulous by the way), lets try and pull one off for Miracle. Thanks much. Lord, we ask that you place Miracle Mable in your healing hand and give her the strength to fight what is going on. Cara White, Buddy & Olives Corners Mom informed us that Lisa Braunreiter, a fan of many of the dog pages will be having surgery Monday. She has a very aggressive cancer on her tongue and they are removing her tongue and placing a feeding tube. Her oncologist says she has a 40 % chance of survival. She is 47. She needs all the prayers and friends that she can get. Her sister in law is going to care for her during her operation recovery. But after that, she is alone again. Lord, we ask that you surround Miss Lisa with your angels and hold her in your HEALING hand and place a miracle on her that only you can give. Guide the surgeon during the operation. We ask this in your Son’s name. Kipton of Kipton’s Corner, a puppymill survivor, Lord thank you for bringing Kipton through all this. We are truly blessed to have such a loving God who answers prayers. Crystal Barrett posted nine days ago our baby girl, Roxy (11yo), was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma. She had a splenectomy and partial tumor removal from her liver. We have a consultation with the oncologist today. Please wish us luck. We just went through mast cell tumors with our 8 yo Pug, who is currently in month 4 of remission. This is just such a nasty disease and so unfair. Lord please be with these two fur-babies. Give the vet the guidance they need to be able to help these two. Comfort the family as they deal with this disease that is claiming a lot of our fur-babies. Nora Greer posted My Polly was diagnosed yesterday with Mast Cell Tumor. Found this page today. Please keep us in your thoughts. Surgery is not an option since Polly has a PDA and cannot be put under. She has survived distemper, the streets of the City of Compton, and being a bait dog for dog fights. She is the love of my life and best friend. Lord, we ask for your healing touch on this little girl. She has fought off others but she needs your help with this. Help Find Our Baby Girl posted Please take a minute to send Baby Girl positive thoughts or prayers. Tell her to stay safe and warm no matter where she is tonight. Tell her to look for the food if shes hungry-her bowl is full. Finally, let her know were close by when she feels strong enough to come out of hiding. Thank you, BG friends. Lord we ask that you guide this furbaby back to her loving family. They have search for a long time for her and they refuse to give up on her. Laurin Rainha has asked that we pray for her. She has mild bipolar, anxiety and depression. Even though she seems happy, every day is a struggle for her. Lord we ask that you surround Miss Laurin with your angels and your presence. Let her know that you walk with her during these dark times. Bring her to the light, dear Lord we pray. Lil Olive is not feeling well. Lord, we ask that you surround Lil Olive with your angels and hold her in your loving healing hands. Give her comfort and peace as she fights this battle. Let her know that you are with her. Help Anthony Mater is going to be starting extensive physical therapy for six (6) months. Thank you everyone who has donated to help offset the cost. Lord we ask that you surround little Anthony with your angels as you hold him in your loving healing hands as he starts his therapy. Guide the therapists as they put Anthony through his paces so that he may grow stronger and not be dependent on his wheels. We ask that everyone include Charlene Dills in your prayers. We do not know what is wrong but she has requested prayers for some health issues. Lord, cast your net of angels over her and give her a touch of your healing hand. Dianna Huszar has asked that we please pray for Connie. She has brain cancer. Lord, we ask that you surround Miss Connie with your angels and hold her in your loving healing Hands. Bestow on her your healing power. Liza Frakes ask that we please keep the prayer chain going for Little Buddy at Eagles Den, hes getting better but he has a long way to go. Update on Little Buddy: Just a note to say thank you on behalf of little Buddy. Hes out of the hospital and best of all has been adopted into a loving family. He sends pibble kisses to all who prayed for him and said he felt their love all the way in North Carolina. THANK YOU. To our friends that have been with us for a long time. I came to you all for prayer for my mom back in 2009 when she was in kidney failure. Im going to have to ask again... her function is down to about 25% and she is going in for a biopsy today to find out why. Michele Vacanti is asking for prayers. My mom Karen, was just diagnosed with bone cancer. Shes so giving never asking for anything for herself. I love her with every breathe I take. Please add her to your prayer list. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over Karen and keep her safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle Karen within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on her. Wanda Huddleston Ventimiglia posted Thank you for your prayers for my eye surgery. Everything is now healed up and perfect. Please continue prayers for my daughter Regina Ventimiglia. She has a couple of special needs that the Lord knows about. Thank you. Lord, we know that you know her needs so we ask that if it thy will they be granted. One of our faithful followers of this page has asked for prayers. Miss Lisa Tallant needs prayers so I am asking all the prayer warriors to include her in their prayers. We know not why but the Lord does. Lord, we ask that you give Miss Lisa the help she needs and guide her in the way you would have her go. Lucy Kay Robinson posted that her ten year old granddaughter has a brain tumor. Please Lord God in Heaven, send Angels to watch over her and keep her safe, and please Lord God in Heaven, reach down, cradle her within your HEALING HANDS and place a miracle on her, please answer our prayers with a YES but only if she can have a decent quality of life. Marj Nelson Hines hates to ask for herself but would like for us to add her to the pray list. She has found out that she has lung cancer. Update: Wanted to update you on my cancer. I am now almost 1/2 way through the radiation and will start chemo on Tuesday. My doctor still says we are going to beat this. Thank you for the continued prayers. We are asking for prayers for Issa Bella World’s Momma who has Gastroparesis. It is not a fun disease and you feel bad more than you feel good. Lord we ask that you lay your healing comforting and loving hand on Issa Bella’s Momma and ease her pain and distress. Archemedes ask that we say prayers for his Momma (She hates asking for herself cause she says there are so many more that need the prayers more) That her back with the Degenerative Disc Disease and Scoliosis gets better and causes less pain and the unexplained swelling gets better. Schultz (dog) has asked if we all can keep his Momma’s Uncle in our prayers his name is Roy. Lord hear our prayer for your intervention into Uncle Roy’s condition. Schultz (dog) has asked that we please put his grandmom on our prayer list. Melissa Lopez has posted an update on her Aunt Cindy Gonzaga. She isnt doing too well and has many infections in her body and in her bones. It’s very devastating for our Family. Also her dad, Jon Lopez has been in and out of the hospital for several different health issues. Lord we ask that you continue to walk with each of the following fur babies who have long-term diseases or handicaps. Please continue laying your healing on them. They are Caju the Warrior Dog, Duncan of Sweet Duncan and Furiends, Paisley, Libby, Dexter GSMD, Sparky, Tinkerbell, Anna Banana, Lilly, Trevor, Nazzy, Little Girl, Angel, Tom, Koda, Duke, Molly, Mylee, Bruno, Lady, Brandy on the Rotts, Hummer, Harper, Jack on Wheels, Lucky the mixed terrier, Gunther, Murphy the paralyzed pit bull, Wobbie the Pug, Rocky the Boxer, Wildman the kitty, ElliBeans’ friend Jakey Bakey and Dante (A paws Baton Rouge) as he also fights lung cancer. Lily who was diagnosed CHF. Lord we ask that you give each one of these precious fur babies the strength and faith to fight each of their medical problems. These are the ones that we know of but we also pray you will heal and walk with the ones not listed here by name. Lord Jesus please continue to lay your healing hand on the following furiends’ parents, sisters, brothers, grandmas and great-grandmas and all the other relatives, who are ill or battling a long-term disease. Tara Comer Baldwin in prayer with her health issues. Heather & Mollie, Bailey Cream Adopt Not Shop’s Mom, Dee Gilbert’s friend Barbara Harrington, Shelby the Rottie’s Dad, Dozer’s Mom’s cousin, Melanie, JoRaye Land asks that we keep her in our prayers, Emily, Scott’s father. Charlie Losinno has asked that we pray for his Grandma, Patrick’s Mom who has just been diagnosed with Stage 1 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Tamy Vermande’s friend Mary (DJ Sparkles), Denise K. Beaudoin asks for prayers for Janet Koch, Diana Abshire ask for prayer for her friend Kimmy, Teresa Fitzgerald-Yarbrough and two other fur babies Mommies have Auto Immune Disease along with other diseases such as Lupus and cancer and we ask that you guide each of these mentioned in the way you would have them go and walk beside them as they continue to heal. Lord we lift up Miss Jenna Jones for your healing as she has been battling Aids for 9 years. Lord we ask for a special prayer for all the animals that are abused or homeless and in shelters waiting for someone to -love them and give them a forever home. Lord we ask that you bestow a special blessing on the homeless humans and those that are staying in shelters. Lord please keep your healing hand on those that need it. In memory of those who can never come home. The Warriors, the men and women whose courage and determination, whose loyalty and dedication to their country demanded the ultimate sacrifice. You are the ultimate heroes, and your precious light will shine forever in the minds, the hearts, and the lives of freedom you have provided for us. May heaven hold you in its embrace, as we shall always hold you in our heart. Lord keep our service men and women safe as they continue the fight on foreign soil to keep us free at home here in the United States of America. Lord, we give you all the praise and glory for this day and for all the blessing that you have bestowed upon us. Remember for all of you praying and waiting...He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Keep holding on and looking up and believing His promises. Be ready with eager anticipation for what He is working on your behalf! Our God is an awesome God who answers prayer. Lord we thank you for walking with us this day. Thank you Father God for Your precious Son Jesus Christ who died and rose again so we may live and find salvation through Him. Please bring America to you as a true Nation Under God once again. You know the needs of each, Father. We ask for you to hear the silent cries and prayers. In Jesus holy precious name we pray. Amen
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 01:39:29 +0000

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