Saturday, October 25, 2014. Upanishads : 2. Kena - TopicsExpress


Saturday, October 25, 2014. Upanishads : 2. Kena Upanishad : Chapter-2. Mantram-3. Discussion - 8. on EGO Continued . When the arc-light on the laboratory table is in cotact with the mirror strip, what should we expect? For a short interval of time the mirror would certainly provide for the observer, a clear reflection. The reflection is as far away from the object as the thickness of the mirror, but at the same time it is observable fact that in the heat of the arc-lamp the mercury surface of the mirror melts off and the srip of mirror shall no longer provide for us any reflection of the lamp. The reflection, sice it cannot go anywhere else, the sastram says, has merged with the source. The intellect during constant practice of daily meditation gets steadily moved nearer and nearer the Self, until at last, in the white-heat of intense experiencing of that transcendental Truth Absolute, the false Ego-centric notions disappear, and the intellect merges itself with the Infinite Ocean of Bliss and Perfection, our Real Nature. That is the fina; experience of Samadhi ( not mean death as we think about samadhi ), and in the perception of Self through the intuitive eye, the God-Man becomes the Self and shallb not experience the Truth as something other than himself. This is the declaration of all Sruti-s, nay, of even the living Masters of our times - not only in Hinduism but in all the known religions of the world. This achievement of the lifes journey is within the scope of every mortal. Next : Discussion -9. God-Consciousness .....
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:11:58 +0000

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