Saturday Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Key Verse: 1 - TopicsExpress


Saturday Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:29 29 That no flesh should glory in his presence. Devotion: What sort of people did God choose to record His Word for the rest of the world be have access to it by? I see people who were close to God, people who listened to Him, people who were given vision by Him. Yes there have been royal and noble people called to bring us God’s Word, but most of the time it is the ‘normal’ people that God chooses so that He will get the glory. Far too often we do look on the outside and brush over what we find on the inside; hence we get things wrong and fail at many tasks with other people. I have learned the hard way to stand back and wait to see what people are like on the inside before I get involved with them in whatever I am going to be doing. It is not that I am judging them but rather waiting for them to show me what they are like before I make a fool of myself. I never like turning anyone away who is willing to tell others about God because we are on the same side, but sometimes they are seeking other things before seeking God. If we are willing to listen to God then we will find that we gain more insight into the gospel than some so called scholars who would tell you how many courses they have been on to learn about it! This is because we would be learning from God and not from man. When God teaches us it will be to give Him the glory. One thing I do find interesting is that people who have been used of God in the past have picked up fame and even fortune as they bring forward the gospel. Does this mean that they are doing something wrong because the rest of us are poor? Far from it! It means that others are rewarding them for what they are doing for them. God says that we should not bring glory to ourselves in His presence; or in other words, don’t lift up yourself instead of God. Lift up God first of all, and if others lift you up don’t bask in the glory but give that glory to God alone! And no it is no difficult to divert praise toward God instead of gloating in it… Points to Ponder: Are you praised for working for God? How much do you praise God for allowing you to work for Him?
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:05:11 +0000

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