Saturday Sabbath Toarh Studying Master Teaching sharing: Noah - TopicsExpress


Saturday Sabbath Toarh Studying Master Teaching sharing: Noah 2013 BEREISHT- NOACH ANSWERS to PART 1 Scriptures studying taken from…………… Gen. 6:9-11:32 Since the flood rained for 40 days and 40 nights……I like to put up 40 Qs for your thought……….May be some of these have cross your mind before…….BUT did you have an answers for all these 40? Q1: WHY NOACH WAS CHOSEN AND NOT THE REST? Answer: There is a Book of Deeds created since the beginning of time. When HaShem said Genesis 6:9 & 7:1 when HaShem review through the Book of Deeds ONLY NOACH ALONE in his time is found in His sight to be more righteous as compare to the rest of the people in all the earth. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God. 11 Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the eart13 Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them… 7 Then the LORD said to Noah, “Enter the ark, you and all your household, for you alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this time. This measurement will be again in time to come in which Zechariah & Daniel wrote only 1/3 of the population in all the earth will be spared and has passed the purging and refinery test. Q2: IS IT TRUE THAT NOACH WAS A PREACHER? As claimed by the writer in NT? Answer: Noach cannot even save himself and his own family…..he wanted to save others? You must be kidding. Moreover, HaShem has never given Noach any special commandment for him to go out to preach the gospel of repentance or salvation like Jesus or like the C-ministries. Noach was only instructed to “MAKE FOR YOURSELF AN ARK”……Gen.6:14 There is no scriptural verses from HaShem to Noach to get those people to enter the Ark. If Noach “Kay-Kiang”( play the smart alex ) and brought in the other people do you know what will happened? The ARK WILL BE CAPSIZED. Because the size, the length and the weight of the Ark is only suitable for just Noach and his household + those animals that HaShem instructed Noach to bring it inside the Ark. Not even any other animals are permitted to enter/ to be brought in. ONLY SELECTED ANIMALS. If you study physic you should know and understand. Just like and Airplane and Ship today……There is a limit capacity of taking in goods , cargos and passengers. I remembered whenever I went to USA and took domestic plane…..The plane is small built size plane. And the stewardess will allocate the seat for different passenger depending on the body size and weight to balance the plane. If you check to any pilot and Captain they will tell you too that there is a maximum capacity of in-take. Q3: DID NOACH preached to people to join him into the Ark? Answer: No. Noach never preached at all. It was not written in the story of Noach at all. NT claimed that Noach preached which was never biblical proven. Q4: WHO DID NOACH really called to join him into the Ark? Answer: ONLY THOSE SELECTED ANIMALS THAT HASHEM INSTRUCTED. Rest of the animals also have to perish. Q5: WHY HASHEM PREFER/CHOOSE to extend His salvation animals instead of extending His Salvation to the rest of mankind? Answer: It is very simple. ANIMALS ARE PURE INNONCENCE CREATURES even those they may not have the brain to reason out like mankind. It will still be like before which I believe there will still be salvation for the animal world. Q6: What cause the thoughts and the hearts of man to become wicked, corrupted and violence? Answer: Well, the root of the cause was the cross bred between mankind and the sons of god….Read GEN.6 in which the genes of mankind deteriorated even faster. Q7: Is Eve is the root of the cause? Or is the “sons of God” is the root of the cause? Answer: Yes, Partially. But because of mankind disobedience, hence, mankind has given the sin of these sons of god to come down to earth to create havoc upon mankind. HaShem instruction key towards this matter is mankind must learn how to MASTER IT. Read GEN.4. Q8: Is wickedness, corrupted and violence a sort of generational curse? Answer: No, I don’t think so. wickedness, corrupted and violence has got nothing to do with curses….. wickedness, corrupted and violence are an act of the behavior of individual mankind. It is the in-built of a mankind character. ( You can called it “LIKENESS”) After that cross bred….mankind genes carried along the “Likeness” of these sons of god. Q9: Why aren’t HaShem just created animals? Answer: Ya, After all animals have got a pure mind than mankind. But animals also “kanna” infected by the sin of mankind. As a result animals also killed one another for survival and for territories control. Q10: Why aren’t HaShem just created man? Answer: Ya, Mankind without animals will ended with even much cold blooded world. If you examine why there are so many children have interest and love for animal to be their pet……because this prove that having the existence of animal enable mankind to nature and tame the behavior/character of mankind. Putting the fur and up-keep of the animal aside…..animals certainly bring calm, love and kind feeling for mankind when you see their pure innocence behavior. For these reasons….this why animals was first created before mankind. Because the first living things that mankind can see when they open their eyes will be these cute and lovely that touches the hearts of mankind. Q11: Why aren’t HaShem created just another man instead of creating woman? Answer: It is clearly written in Gen.2 that indeed the man- Adam looked around at other animals……every animals has got male and female……how come he- the man – the male has got no female. JUST HE ALONE. That is why he asked HaShem to get him a sort of same kind of mankind. And HaShem accepted his request and molded for him a female of the same kind through his own body. So, Eve has the same thought just as the man – Adam does. The Chinese saying “Shui-fu, Shui-Chan”. Husband and wife sing the same tune. Q12: Why aren’t HaShem created just woman….No man? Answer: Good question. It is the same question to which comes first? “Chicken first or egg first?” But from the biblical perspective: Masculine comes first before the Feminine. Just like ELOHIM is a masculine noun and RUACH is a feminine noun. So, Ruach come first of Elohim come first. I think now you know the answer better. Q13: Why animals was included in HaShem’s Extermination plan? Answer: Because animals were under the dominion of mankind. Just like in the army training…If 1 “kanna” all section also “kanna”. Q14: Did these animals does something wrong as well? Answer: No, animals are pure innocence even till this present days. Q15: Why some of these listed animals were spare from the extermination plan? What is the reason behind? Answer: For sacrificial offerings purpose……for the clean and unclean offerings to HaShem and cleansing/purification ceremonial. Q16: Will animals also have the equal rights to receive salvation from HaShem? Answer: YES certainly these animals will have salvation. Because of their pure innocence. Q17: Since HaShem created animals first before creating man, why did HaShem preference man over animal? Answer: Between a wicked mind and a pure mind…..which one you will choose if you are G_D in making judgment? Q18: Why man can talk and animal don’t? Why HaShem created in such a way? What is the reason behind? Answer: It is simple. There is a balance and measurement scale. HaShem used the pure innocence mind of animal VS the minds of all mankind. If animals are given the same equal ability to talk and reason out in speech. In this case, animals will be disqualify as a pure innocence minds creatures in G-d’s judgment. Because mankind is given the ability to talk – therefore, mankind has to be judged in the book of deeds and words. Therefore by the words of man and by the deeds of the man = they shall be judged upon it. Q18: Can animals talk to man? ( I am not referring to parrot-talk). Answer: yes, Read Numbers chapter 22. Story of Bi’alam and his she-donkey. Already proven that HaShem used animal to shame the mentality of mankind and to shame the hearts of mankind. Isn’t the she-donkey has a pure innocence hearts than the man- who was her master? Q19: Why man is given the authority to dominion over animals and not the other way round? What is the reason behind? Answer: It is of HaShem preference. But mankind abused their authority over it. That is why even today there is a laws to protect all animals under man abuse. Q20: Why did HaShem allowed “these sons of god” to enter into the planet earth to creates havoc? Answer: These sons of god are just an instruments for HaShem to test on His newly created creatures- MANKIND whether these newly created creatures will LISTEN/ OBEY/TRUST/CLING to Him or not. Q21: Does angelic beings have gender? Answer: Yes of course they do. Otherwise, Gen. 6 would not have recorded that these sons of god have took the daughter of men as their wives. Q22: Is angelic beings are also of spirit-form, why are they able to entered into earth to produce offspring? Answer: No, They also have the power to transform in both spiritual form and physical form. Q23: Are there feminine angelic beings? Answer: I think there are feminine angelic beings because RUACH is under feminine noun…..But to be very sure. You better ask HASHEM personally next time. Q24: Why was Noach chosen? Answer: Same answer as Q1 Q25: What was Noach role? What is he supposed to do after the flood? Answer: read Gen.9 first para. Q26: What does it really mean by “Be fruitful and multiply”? Does it really mean literally as EXPANDING THE GROWTH OF POPULATION? Answer: No. Read my explanation on Part 2 and 3 Q27: Who was Mrs Noach? Why her name was not mentioned at all? Answer: Because she is one of the offspring from the cross bred between the sons of god and the daughter of men. In which her genes is the root cause for Ham and Japeth. Q28: And also the names of Noach’s daughters in laws were not mentioned. Why? Answer: Same as Mrs Noach. Because they are one of the offspring from the cross bred between the sons of god and the daughter of men. Q29: Out of Noach being labeled by HaShem as blameless and righteous man in his time, why his offspring (3 sons) ONLY ONE SON is fully PURE to passed the selection of being a future JEW? Answer: Read my Part 3 explanation Q30: Why is there an erosion of righteousness and an increase of wickedness in mankind behavior? What causes its changes in inner spirit of the man? What is the reason behind? Answer: Most the mankind in all the earth are populated with the genes cross bred between the sons of god and the daughter of men Q31: When did mankind get populated? Did it only started after the flood- after Noach? Or Before Noach? Answer: No. Before Noach era GEN.6 already recorded there are populated of mankind in all these earth doing wicked, corrupted and violence. Q32: What does it really mean when HaShem said to Noach after they came out of the flood saying “Be fruitful and multiply.”? Or is there still one of the task which Adam still need to do other than be fruitful and multiply?” If “YES”, then what is the task Adam still need to do? Answer: Yes, Read my explanation in PART 2 & 3 Q33: Christian pastors used to say this lines in their blessing to especially newly-wed couples saying “Be fruitful and multiply”. Is this a complete line? Answer: lopsided……Not fully define……Important role was left out based on Gen. 9 saying ………..” and REPLENISH THE KINGDOM OF G_D/YISRAEL ( Tikkun Olam). What is the key point that is always missed out? Answer: Read my Part 2 & 3 and GEN.9 Q34: Which approached did Noach took from HaShem instructions after the flood? Full instruction or in-complete instruction? Answer: Read my Part 2 & 3 and GEN.9 Q35: What is the task that Noach failed to do that resulted in further deterioration of mankind character? Answer: Read my Part 2 & 3 and GEN.9 Q36: Why is this task so important than “Be fruitful & multiply.”? Answer: Read my Part 2 & 3 and GEN.9 Q37: Can / did HaShem found any man better than Noach? Answer: read answer from Q1 Q38: Why is there ZERO 100% righteous man found on earth during Noach’s time? What is the reason behind it? Answer: read answer from Q1 Q39: Will there be such a complete righteous man in the near future? Answer: read answer from Q1 and Part 2 & 3 Q40: At first HaShem said He wanted to blot out all the man in the earth, But then, Why did HaShem change His mind? What causes HaShem to change His mind? Answer: read answer from Q1 and Part 2 & 3 shalom all
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 11:21:11 +0000

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