Saturday, September 6, 2014 Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary - TopicsExpress


Saturday, September 6, 2014 Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary Meditation on the Gospel Luke 6:1-5 “The Son of Man is lord over the sabbath.” (Luke 6:5) Did you know the sabbath was God’s idea? It started when he commanded Moses to “remember to keep holy the sabbath day” (Exodus 20:8). Israel was to cease from her labors and rest on the sabbath, just as God rested after six days of creation. Unfortunately, instead of a time of rest, sabbath observation evolved for some people into a set of rules focusing on what they could and could not do. God’s desire to give his people rest took second place to strict observances. But Jesus understood what the Sabbath was supposed to be. In today’s Gospel reading, he tells some of the Pharisees, “The Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath” (Luke 6:5.) In another place, he tells them, “The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath” (Mark 2:27). God wants to bless us on the sabbath day and help us draw closer to him, not put us into a box. As the Catechism states, “With compassion, Christ declares the sabbath for doing good rather than harm, for saving life rather than killing. The sabbath is the day of the Lord of mercies and a day to honor God” (CCC, 2173). How do you think about Sundays? Apart from “having” to go to Mass, do you see it as a golden opportunity to worship God and let him shower his blessings on you? That’s what the sabbath—and the Eucharist in particular—is meant to be all about. It’s true that at Mass, you can find the grace and wisdom you need to deal with the worries and challenges that have been weighing on your heart all week. But it’s also true that you can experience the sweetness and refreshment of receiving Jesus’ Body and Blood in the presence of your brothers and sisters in Christ. So be expectant tomorrow! During Mass, believe that you are one with the body of Christ. Tell yourself that you are a beloved son or daughter of God. Then when you go to Communion, ask Jesus to reveal himself to you in the way you need him most. Let him bless you and refresh you for the week ahead! Prayer: “Dear Lord, help me to follow Your laws which are all based on love. Help me use rules and laws on others only to love them more. Amen.” Readings: 1 Corinthians 4:6-15; Psalm 145:17-21
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 04:57:57 +0000

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