Saturday With Shutter 12-20-2014 Hello everyone! Well since - TopicsExpress


Saturday With Shutter 12-20-2014 Hello everyone! Well since last we talked in what I now like to call “The Great Debit Card Debacle” my human servant has decided it was time he changed all of his passwords. Of course being the towering genius he is, and so as not to forget them, he left them all on a yellow Post-It stuck to the front of the laptop. It is often difficult for me to believe sometimes that he comes from the same species that went to the Moon, wrote the Theory of Relativity, developed the Polio Vaccine, and of course you man-apes greatest accomplishment of all, pizza. Anyway, it began yesterday morning around 5am. The pack and I were all tucked in and snug in bed when my finely tuned sense of smell detected an amazing new aroma wafting through the room. I slid from beneath the blankets with almost ninja like skills, careful not to wake Reese and Porthos, and crept toward the little kitchen area to investigate further. Just as I was about to round the corner and still rubbing the sleep from my eyes there commenced the most awful racket I had ever heard save for the vacuum cleaner. I still say that thing is possessed. “Holy crap!” I thought, “what the hell was that?” So I stopped dead in my tracks and carefully peered in to see just what maniacal monster had been loosed around here now. There I saw my human servant leaned intently over a large bowl with some mechanical device I had never seen, let alone heard before, gripped firmly in his right hand. Given his disheveled hair, blood shot eyes, and that thing in his hand he had all the appearance of Edward Scissor Hands meets The Terminator. Now as leader of the pack and ipso facto head of household nothing is supposed to transpire around here without my prior approval. I mean I dont even let my human go to the bathroom without proper supervision. So in my typical authoritative voice I let out a protesting bark of disapproval. As I look back on it now perhaps that wasnt the best course of action to take. I mean given my human servants advanced age and the fact it was only five oclock in the morning my bark had shall we say, unexpected results. My human servant almost jumped clear out of his robe at my report, his hand coming away from the bowl still clutching the whirling thingy in his hand. By the time he had collected himself he had sprayed small white bits and pieces of sugary dough in every direction. It was on the counter, on the cabinets, on the ceiling and floor. And yes, even on his face. “Damn it Shutter!” he half shouted. “You sacred the heck out of me. Its just a mixer. I making sugar cookies for the adoption event today.” he finished. Okay wait, what? He said cookies. That explains the a fore mentioned aroma. Ah yes, cookies. You humans second greatest invention after pizza. Now by this time the rest of pack had been roused by all the noise and joined me in the doorway. The word cookie to us was like the pop of a starter pistol at an Olympic event and we took off in-mass consuming every morsel of dough that had struck the floor before my human servant manged to let go of the button on the so called “mixer”. I must remember this tactic in the future. You see this would be the extent of our cookie consumption as my human servant is not prone to sharing such things. He maintains that they are “not good for you”. By 11am all the cookies were baked, bagged, and neatly arranged on a tray for the Adoption Event/Bake Sale for D.A.S.H Animal Rescue being held at a local retail establishment called Rural King. Leaving Reesee and Porthos on sentry duty my human servant and I headed out to show our support for my fellow K9 brethren whom have not yet found a human servant of their own. All in all I think the day was relatively successful. There were cookies and cakes a plenty and of all sizes and shapes. Kids could have their photo taken for a five dollar donation with some some guy named Santa in a fury red suit with a long white beard. Honestly the first time I saw him and given his girth I feared every cookie on the table might be at risk. At any rate, we had one adoption yesterday, little Paco, and have one more pending, Clyde. We also received a new rescue, Hazel whom had been found, out in the cold, roaming around a near by farm. Tho twice my size Hazel seems like a sweet little girl and took to me right away. Once D.A.S.H gets her Vet checked and spayed she is sure to make some human family a fine addition. As this will likely be my last entry before the Holidays, Reesee, Porthos, and I, and on behalf of our human servant, would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. May your 2015 be filled with love, laughs, good health, and balls and bones a plenty. Take care and as always, Carry on, -Shutter
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:12:59 +0000

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