Saturday evening I felt like DEATH. Got hit with a sinus - TopicsExpress


Saturday evening I felt like DEATH. Got hit with a sinus infection + fever. My head was pounding, nose running like CRAZY and body lifeless. [Totally drained] I FREAKED because I have a REALLY important event to attend this coming weekend and it was a HUGE investment for me. I started to fear that I wouldnt make it. I immediately started researching what essential oils could help with this and started with a bath to detox, took some essential oils by mouth in a gel capsule and added some into my diffuser. (I used oregano, thieves and frankincense) Also started drinking apple cider vinegar (gross but it WORKS) as a shot mixed with water. Apple cider vinegar contains an array of nutrients including vitamins B1, B2, A, and E, calcium, and magnesium. These nutrients help clear the sinus cavities and treat allergy symptoms. ACV thins mucus almost immediately. Continued this trend for a full 24 hrs, slept a TON and within a day and a half, I feel about 90% better. Headache is gone, congestion is about 90% gone and Im feeling like a human again. Still a little tired but continuing my regimen till I feel 100%. HUGE thank you to Chara Boyer for hooking up my Young Living essential oil supply. Id probably be in the doctors office today getting antibiotics if it wasnt for the awesome natural remedies that I had sitting in my cabinet. Have you considered trying essential oils or do you use them now?
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 17:16:45 +0000

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