Saturday morning with Tami Simon and Sounds True This morning - TopicsExpress


Saturday morning with Tami Simon and Sounds True This morning Im listening to a podcast recorded earlier this week with Tami Simon interviewing Roger Housden - titled Keeping the Faith Without a Religion This is a lovely dialogue with balance and wisdom throughout. Im listening while doing some chores and starting to prepare lunch. And this part of the discussion was the trigger to have me stop and share this podcast with everybody here. Tami: .... You distinguished “non-rational” from “irrational.” Tell me what you mean by that—why you’re distinguishing “non-rational” from “irrational” when talking about faith. Roger: I’d say that “irrational”—and “irrational” for me implies an emotional response not necessarily based on anything deeper than one’s own reaction to whatever it is one’s having the response to. “Non-rational” for me implies a form of insight or understanding that is coming through you, but not through normal, rational intellect. Of course, we know of intuition. You could call intuition a non-rational knowing. I would go even further with the word “faith” than intuition, although they’re very close, I would say. The notion of intuition—and I think intuition is generally accepted as something we all have and do all have from time to time and that is non-rational. But the faith I’m speaking of comes, I think, from a different dimension in us, even than intuition. It’s been shown that intuition actually doesn’t necessarily come out of nowhere. It comes out of long experience in a particular field. And the conversation goes deeper and wider.... If youre not familiar with Sounds True, they are a conscious company offering the work of relevant teachings and ideas for todays world. I hope you enjoy this wonderful discussion around faith and “trusting the knowing, trusting the mystery, trusting the dark, trusting the joy, trusting the changes, trusting the imperfection, trusting the letting go, keeping faith with beauty, keeping faith with kindness and love, and keeping faith with the human spirit.” From my heart to yours, Francine and The Heart of Receiving soundstrue/weeklywisdom/?source=podcast&p=9431&category=IATE&version=full&loc=weeklywisdom
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:03:52 +0000

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