Saturday: the Moon remains in curious, versatile, chatty Gemini - TopicsExpress


Saturday: the Moon remains in curious, versatile, chatty Gemini all day. As we are getting closer to the Eclipses, we are starting to feel that energy build up. Usually, for 7 - 10 days before and after an Eclipse, we are in uncharted territory; anything is possible and it is wise to expect the unexpected. Anything brand-new started during that time will likely not pan out the way we thought it would, often because important information comes to light only after the Full Moon that follows the Solar Eclipse. If possible, try to defer any major brand-new projects until after May 14th, when the Eclipses are over. Also: Eclipses tend to bring up a lot of uncertainty in us, leaving us nervous, anxious, unsettled and disoriented. As best as you can, stay grounded in the here and now. Connect to your intuition and inner wisdom; this will help carry you through this period of uncertainty. Remember: its temporary. Just like when upgrading a computer, you will get all the information you need, as soon as the upgrade is complete -- so as best you can, be patient. Saturday: Pluto is starting its station today in 13 degrees of Capricorn, preparing for its retrograde cycle (April 14th - Sept.22nd). We feel its powerful energy slowing down until April 24th. When an outer planet stations, its energy gets more pronounced; we become more aware of its impact on us -- and this can sometimes cause discomfort. We are being asked to hang out with that discomfort until the planets energy has picked up speed again. Pluto is the planet associated with our soul purpose, the process of empowerment -- our ability to feel empowered from within -- and our deepest passions. It is also associated with transformation, for example: our ability to transform darkness into light; transformation could also include death into rebirth (here, death is not necessarily a physical death). To get to a place of truthfulness on the soul level, Pluto will remove what no longer serves us, replacing it with something new -- something fully aligned with our deepest passions and soul purpose. When we resist the deep changes Pluto brings, we tend to suffer; on the other hand, when we surrender and allow for that process to take place, we will move to a place of greater authenticity -- and feel a newness and empowerment from within. As best as you can, take a closer look at what is in your face for the next 3 weeks, looking for what might no longer be in alignment with your souls purpose. Ask yourself: what habits, behaviors or fears are holding me back from feeling fully empowered from within? What would it look like, if I was fully aligned with my Soul-purpose? How would it feel? Saturday at 10:55am EDT, we enter a 7-hour Moon void of course (VoC); this lasts until 5:40pm EDT. There is a need to connect and interact with others and a somewhat conflicting inability to think in a linear way. Allow yourself to be creative, compassionate and present with what is, use this intuitive time to make adjustments and find creative solutions to that dilemma — your intuition will be able to guide you beautifully, if you let it ;-) As always during VoC, take it easy -- go with the flow and avoid starting anything brand-new. Saturday at 4:31pm EDT, Venus changes signs from freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius to creative, sensitive Pisces, where she will journey until May 2nd. For the next three and a half weeks, we have a chance to connect to other people from the heart, with compassion. We may also idealize our relationships a little -- feeling quite romantic -- and hopeful that our dreams will be fulfilled. With Venus in Pisces, our love is accepting and comes as close to unconditional as humans can get. We are more about feeling things out, as opposed to planning things, and we are rooting for the underdog. In regards to finances, we may not always spend our money on things that make sense; however, if we listen to our intuition and allow for money to flow freely, we may discover that the Universe always takes care of us ;-) Saturday at 5:40pm EDT, the Moon moves into protective, introverted Cancer, where it will journey until Tuesday early morning. With this Moon placement, we are more sensitive to what people say to (and about) us, so be kind to yourself and others. Emotional safety is important to us at this time: We like connecting to the familiar, home or family becomes our sanctuary. Nurture yourself and others, but remember: Make sure your glass is filled before letting others drink from it ;-) This Moon placement also begins the build-up to the first Quarter Moon; this will be exact on Monday very early morning.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 00:54:54 +0000

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