Saturday7, September 2013 Reading: 2 Peter 1:12-15 Key Verse: 2 - TopicsExpress


Saturday7, September 2013 Reading: 2 Peter 1:12-15 Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:13 13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; Devotion: We have really amazing bodies when you get down to think about it; apart from the obvious that we live and breathe we are able to do so many things just because God has created us in this manner. But this body that God has given us is actually a tabernacle for our souls, almost like a tent or caravan in which we live and can move around in. Our bodies are quite fragile compared to many things and hence we should be looking after them so that we can do our best to give God the glory and allow more people to come to know Him. What Christ wants of us whilst we live in these bodies is to remember Him always and to remember what He has given to us continually. If we do that we will be more apt to give Him the glory as we learn how much He continues to do for us every day of our lives. But it most certainly is not just remembering the physical that He has done for us but the spiritual through which our souls will be able to live and grow. What use is an empty tent of caravan? God wants our souls to be filled with the Gospel so that we can grow from the inside, keeping our external bodies in faithfulness toward Christ. God wants our souls to be strengthened every day through reading His Word and continuing to lift up our prayers to Him always. The more that we remember that we do not have these bodies forever, the more apt we will be to live our lives growing our souls so that we can have the best possible life after these bodies fade and die. Do you dream of being able to leave behind a legacy for others to follow or to inherit? What better legacy that the safety and eternal life of their souls instead of just trying to let their earthly bodies live for a few more days in comfort? We need to impress upon others the importance of looking after their souls and the best way of doing that is going to be to live our lives as an example as we live to strengthen our own souls through Christ Jesus. Each day is a new day given to us by our Lord in which we can live for Him and to glorify Him, strengthening our eternal place with Him and not giving in to the ways of the world. Points to Ponder: Do you live to die happy? Or do you live to live happy?
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 07:26:58 +0000

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