Saturdays are never meant for the office. They are meant for - TopicsExpress


Saturdays are never meant for the office. They are meant for something entirely opposite. You woke up wake up at around the same time as the Friday. Friday’s time is a little late than other weekdays actually. The reason, why you wake up within an hour of your Friday time, is because you haven’t had the hang of a weekend yet. You are inching towards laziness but not just there. So you wake up, make yourself few toasts, some scrambled eggs. Sit with your coffee and a radio running your once favourite songs. They’re about a half read article on communism in the editorial. They’re about taking every puff of the cigarette like the kiss after your first date; you aren’t rushing into it and you never want it to end. Saturdays are meant to laze in your bed, with the laptop without earphones and a 70s movie on it. They’re about humming the forgotten songs and forgotten lyrics; about replacing the words with a hum. Saturdays are about rewarding you for the week you spent in that cubicle. They’re about forgetting about the Friday and the Sunday. They’re never meant for the office!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:18:31 +0000

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