Saturn transit to Scorpio and changing phases of Sade - TopicsExpress


Saturn transit to Scorpio and changing phases of Sade Sati --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturn would be transiting to Scorpio on 02 November 2014. With this transit three Moon ascendants would be under the impact of Sade Sati. These three ascendants are Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Natives with Moon in Libra would be experiencing the last phase of Sade Sati. Natives born with Moon in Scorpio would be experiencing the second phase of Sade Sati and the natives born with Moon in Sagittarius would be experiencing the beginning of their Sade Sati. At the same time, Natives born with moon in Cancer and Pisces who were undergoing shani dhaiya will be free from it on 2nd nov. 2014 But natives born with moon sign in Leo and Aries will come under dhaiya on this date. So, affected Rashis by this transition of Saturn will be Aries. Pisces.Libra, scorpio, and sagittarius Here Rashi means Moon sign in the birth chart of a native and not Sun sign ( as given in the news papers and magazine ) nor by the name. Effect of shani dhaiya and saade saati ( benefic or malefic ) on a natives life will depend on the position of Saturn in the birth chart. However the effect is bound to happen whether one believes in astrology or not.and the effect starts even before the transition starts, at least two weeks before. Accordingly the natives of affected Rashis are advised to take precautionary measures before two weaks and do the remedies depending upon the position of saturn in their birth chat. Some of the common precautions/remedies are given here- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-First and foremost one should give up Non. Veg.and wine if they are taking otherwise no remedies will work 2-Do anulom- vilom yoga regularly as saturn is an airy planet and first malefic effect that it gives is -reduces the intake of oxygen in the body by disturbing the breathing systemand so the health especially the joints of the body. 3-Offer milk with black sesame seeds ( kale til ) on shivling 4-- Feed ants with atta and bura 5- Distribute khichadi of black urad and rice every saturday 6-apply mustard oil on nails before sleeping 7-Read Dashrath krit shani stotra 8-Take black pepper before break fast 9-Donate medicines on -Pushya, anuradha, and Uttarasada nakshtras 10- do not speak in loud voice. Technically Saade Saati means Seeven and half years so Saturn would cover three houses as it changes its house once in two and half years. So Sade Sati begins from once sign before the birth Moon and ends one house after the house of placement of Moon. The period of Sade Sati has been understood as a testing phase in life. Saturn is known to be a hard task master and it regresses the native on various grounds during this period. It is well known to delay things so it becomes very likely that some auspicious events in life get delayed. Such events can be marriage, child birth, promotion, capital asset buying etc. Likewise, Saturn may regress an individual on account of education, health, marriage, profession, relationships, spirituality etc. At the same point of time everyone should understand that valuable human traits like patience, preservance, endurance, loyalty etc are closely linked with Saturn. Remember that Saturn is a great teacher and it has its own unique style of teaching things. He is a hard task master and one has to earn results from Saturn through die hard efforts.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:57:03 +0000

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