Saudi Arabia equips al-Qaeda to terrorize regional countries: Zayd - TopicsExpress


Saudi Arabia equips al-Qaeda to terrorize regional countries: Zayd al-Isa Interview with Zayd al-Isa "The Saudis through all the arming, the financing, the logistical support and actually paying salaries to the mercenaries and criminal terrorists in Syria actually vaulting Jabhat al-Nusra to become the most powerful ruthless brutal terrorist organization in Syria and we’ve all heard that al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi saying Jabhat al-Nusra is nothing but an extension of the al-Qaeda in Iraq." Press TV has conducted an interview with Zayd al-Isa, Middle East expert, London about the latest speech made by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei about foreign-backed plots creating unrest in the Middle East. The following is an approximate transcript of the interview. Press TV: Very serious concerns raised by Ayatollah Khamenei here in Iran when he said that there are attempts to create civil war both in Iraq and Egypt. How serious do you think that concern is an how do you think foreign players are involved in it? al-Isa: I think it’s a highly and immensely important speech, which is absolutely realistic and shows that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been and will always pursue a line of extending the hand of friendship in the face of increasingly antagonistic rhetoric, but also increasingly antagonistic actions by the staunchest and closest and the most vital ally of the United States in the region, which is now assuming the role of leading the Arab world. That is what the Americans have decided that Saudi Arabia now is its main ally and is actually given the assignment of executing all its foreign policies in the region. There is definitely fears and those fears are real that Egypt could be sliding into a civil war and we’ve all witnessed the military coup - that the Americans have vehemently refused to call it a coup - which has been backed up to the hilt and financed by the Saudis who have actually went out of their way to pay the military 5 billion dollars in order to shore up their position. And we’ve seen also the Saudis through all the arming, the financing, the logistical support and actually paying salaries to the mercenaries and criminal terrorists in Syria actually vaulting Jabhat al-Nusra to become the most powerful ruthless brutal terrorist organization in Syria and we’ve all heard that al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi saying Jabhat al-Nusra is nothing but an extension of the al-Qaeda in Iraq. That basically proves beyond a shadow of doubt that all the money, all the financing, the arming has actually gone to turn al-Qaeda in Iraq into the same power influence and prowess it had in 2006 and 2007. And we’ve all been witnessing the dramatic push by al-Qaeda backed up by the Saudis to actually push Iraq into sectarian civil war. So, the danger of the Arab world and the Muslim world plunging into sectarian war is serious and it is present at the moment and we’ve seen also the Saudis occupying invading a country like Bahrain, a small little country in the face of dramatic opposition by the overwhelming majority of its people who have been clambering for democratic change and also political reform. We’ve seen the Saudis intensify their crackdown against their own people and we’ve seen the uprising spread from the eastern province in Saudi Arabia into the entire country. And that’s why Saudi Arabia is absolutely desperate to actually start off a civil war in order to point out to its people and demonstrate to them that it is engaged and combating and confronting a serious threat coming from the Shiites and mainly from the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to save its own skin and to stave off an internal uprising, which is intensifying and escalating within Saudi Arabia.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 12:41:35 +0000

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