Saudis fund proposed 9000 seat London Mega-Mosque with 100 million - TopicsExpress


Saudis fund proposed 9000 seat London Mega-Mosque with 100 million pounds! This battle has been going on for over 7 years, and the relentless Muslim Juggernaut gets closer to its goal of establishing a massive Muslim Enclave in London! READ THIS REPORT PLEASE - IT IS ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS! Tablighi Jamaat—a fundamentalist Islamic sect opposed to Western values such as freedom of speech, democracy and human rights, but committed to “perpetual Jihad” to spread Islam around the world—is fighting a no-holds-barred battle to build a massive mosque complex in West Ham, a neighborhood in the East London Borough of Newham. The mosque was originally planned to accommodate 70,000 worshippers, but the plans have since been scaled down to accommodate 9,000 following a series of objections from local politicians and residents, who are concerned that the mosque, funded by £100 million from Saudi Arabia, would spearhead a hard-line Islamic enclave in the heart of London. A decision is due from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in the next couple of months, during the autumn of 2014, but a key protester has allegedly been intimidated into withdrawing her objections on the first day of a public inquiry. […] After enduring more than 15 years of Tablighi Jamaat’s pressure tactics, the Strategic Development Committee of the Labour-led Newham Council (the local authority for the London Borough of Newham) in December 2012 decided unanimously to reject the application to build the mosque on the grounds that the building was too big and would not serve the needs of the local community. Prominent Muslims responded to the news by vowing to punish the Labour Party in future elections unless the decision was reversed and the application to build the mosque was approved immediately. Tablighi Jamaat also filed a formal appeal to reverse Newham Council’s decision. The appeal is now being considered by means of a Public Inquiry that was convened on June 3, 2014, by the Planning Inspectorate for England and Wales. The Planning Inspectorate is responsible for determining final outcomes of town planning and enforcement appeals and public examination of local development plans. The final decision over whether the mega-mosque can be built will be taken by Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. His decision, which will be based on the recommendation of the Planning Inspectorate, is expected sometime during autumn 2014. On the first day of the inquiry, however, Tehmina Kazi, the only Muslim brave enough to give evidence against the mosque, abruptly withdrew from giving testimony after being “persuaded” by Muslim hardliners to remove her objections. Kazi, who is the director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy, a so-called progressive Muslim organization ostensibly committed to breaking the stranglehold of Islamic fundamentalists in Britain, will now not testify at the inquiry. “Withdrawing was a decision I did not undertake lightly,” Kazi said in an interview with Lapido Media, which has followed the East London mosque debate for many years. “I did it after consultation with several trusted people and a number of assurances on women’s increased participation and involvement in the new facility.” Considering that Tablighi Jamaat has not become any more progressive since the inquiry in 2011, observers believe there is far more to Kazi’s story than meets the eye. Alan Craig, the indefatigable director of MegaMosqueNoThanks, a campaign launched in 2005 to stop the mosque from being built, believes Kazi was “intimidated by misogynist mosque supporters.” In a press statement dated June 3, Craig, a former Newham town councilor, said Kazi was “harried and pressured” by members of the Muslim-run Newham People’s Alliance (NPA), a pro-mega-mosque activist group, while on holiday over the May 31-June 1 weekend. On the evening of June 1, Kazi “conceded and withdrew from the Inquiry in an email to NPA, who in turn triumphantly informed the office of the Planning Inspector.” Craig added: “Regrettably murky Tower Hamlets-style [Tower Hamlets is a highly Islamized borough in East London] politics have come to Newham. Why do Islamists always pick on women? Like misogynist bullies NPA intruded on Tehmina’s holiday abroad last weekend. By phone and email they harassed her, intimidated her and then on behalf of the Tablighi Jamaat mosque trustees gave her assurance that their future treatment of women at the site will improve. “Of course this is no assurance at all, as at present women are completely barred from the temporary mosque at the site. For 17 years since they bought the site, by choice it’s been a male-only mosque with no provision of any kind for women. Tablighi Jamaat’s future treatment of women can hardly get worse.” […] By successfully silencing Kazi, Tablighi Jamaat has removed a highly effective obstacle to making the mega-mosque a reality. All eyes will now be on Eric Pickles, the cabinet minister who will take the final decision later this year on whether the mosque project goes ahead. If Pickles decides no, it will be the end of the road for the mosque for now. But if he decides yes, many believe it will pave the way for the establishment of a full-fledged Islamic sharia enclave in East London. Writer’s note: This is a story worth following if only to illustrate the extent to which hard-line Muslims will go to impose their will on the community. It should be remembered that a mosque is not primarily a place of worship, it is a command and control centre, a beach-head in enemy territory that is the first step in the Islamisation of the entire area. This pattern has been repeated in hundreds, if not thousands of locations around the world, and is an expression of Islamic supremacy over the non-believer (kuffar or infidel). If this pattern is not reversed, it will be to the permanent detriment of our Judaeo-Christian culture and civilisation, which may not be perfect, but arguably represents the best framework for the future development of humanity and is incomparably better in that respect than anything Islam has to offer – and we should not be afraid to stand up and say so. Tim Burton- Sunday 21 July 2014 Read more at brennerbrief/london-mega-mosque-closer-reality-key-protester-withdraws/#ZmmCUd3vXXS3AgrB.99
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:19:43 +0000

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