Savance stood at the bottom of the tower steps. He had just come - TopicsExpress


Savance stood at the bottom of the tower steps. He had just come back from a battle in the West where he led his army to victory once again. Savance was on his way inside the castle to find his father and tell him the good news when he paused to look at himself in a mirror on the castle wall. He didn’t realize the severity of his wounds until now. His beautiful silk like black fur looked purple from the reflection of the sun going down through the thin tall window in the tower wall. He had wounds dripping with blood all over his body. Still holding his sword in his right paw he heaved a heavy sigh and continued to climb. At the top he looked down the cold dark stone corridor to the end. He walked toward the great heavy wooden door of the king’s quarters flanked with royal guards dressed in deep blue attire with the kingdom of the dogs of the north royal crest. The same crest on Savances silver shield. As Savance was but two steps away from the door he heard a loud whisper from behind him. He turned to see his families most loyal subject Setten rapidly approaching. Savance shielded his word and said hello Setten in a low whisper. Setten continued his loud whisper and embraced Savance after a very quick bow and said it is so good to have you home your highness. I prayed for you every second that you were away. What would we do without Prince Savance Black to lead this kingdom to greatness. To which Savance grimaced and replied you are very gracious Setten but I think you have forgotten my brother and sister once again. Setten stood straight up and said oh your highness please your brother Prince Davin always with his nose to a canvas and your sister Cavre a true princess in every sense of the word. Princess Cavre will never preoccupy her time with anything other than herself. Not the King your father minds that very much. Sometimes I think he is very happy that she preoccupies her time with such nonsense as her appearance. It is so peaceful around the castle now that she doesn’t make herself a nuisance to your father about the future of this kingdom anymore. Setten gave a small chuckle. At that moment the King burst open his door and exclaimed what is all the whispering about. As he rubbed his eyes with his enormous black paws he started to focus and locked eyes with his son. My son you are home you are home he exclaimed. King Arvous embraced his son and began to squeeze him tight. Savance tried to say hello to his father but he had him so tight he could not get the words out. Son you are bleeding . Savance replied yes father I am aware. The king ordered Setten to fetch the doctor at once to come and tend to Savance’s wounds. My son we will talk in the morning but right now I want you to get some rest and I will do the same. We will have breakfast in the drawing room and discuss your achievement. Savance respected his fathers instructions and got cleaned up, had something to eat and went to sleep.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 19:09:34 +0000

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