Save Nigeria Ikeja Youths SAVE NIGERIA YOUTHS The mission - TopicsExpress


Save Nigeria Ikeja Youths SAVE NIGERIA YOUTHS The mission statement of this association is to fight for the right of all the suffering masses by working against the emergence of the evil and political vultures in all sphere of governance who will not listen to the plight of the masses that elected them into the position of authority The major cause of poverty in Nigeria is not absence of wealth but criminal distribution of wealth and this resulted to the excessive greed of the leaders at various level of government. The destiny of a nation is largely determined by the quality of its leadership. Many nations have fallen because of their autocracy and totalitarianism­­­­­­­­­­ styled of leadership adopted; a good example is that of the ex-president of Iraq Late Samdam Hussein, Late Mamman Ghadafi of Libya. We have come together under this body in one accord to vehemently resist the pie on the throne syndrome affecting our leaders here in Africa, a good example is that of the late Gen. Sanni Abacha of Nigeria and Mobutu Seseseko of Zaire now democratic republic of Congo. It is not dangerous for the blind to lead that blind, it is equally dangerous for the blind to lead people with sight. The vice we are seeing in Nigeria today is as a result of visioneer leaders. Where there is no vision and proper planning the people perish. Only those who have vision and direction can offer direction. You cannot give what you don’t have, leading or governed. The development of a nation depend by the caliber of leaders in charge and the type of leader who are on the field of politics in any country can either affect the life of the people they governed positively or vice-versa. THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE GROUP * To identify political vultures and prevent their emergence as elected or appointed public office holder in the country. * To support a leader/­­­­­­­­­­preside­n­t­ who would make Nigeria a place where nobody would be subjected to oppression. * We are interested in the merit of the person been elected into the position of leadership rather than his tribe or Geo-political zone. * Each political zone would be made to have a sense of belonging through having representation at the political position in the country. * To educate the masses on how to send the political vagabond away with their loots before/during election. * To make Nigerians to feel like Nigerians without any intimidation. * Lobby government to create more jobs opportunities living of her citizenry * Pressurize government to improve the standard of living of her citizenry. * Monitoring of the implementation of the Anti-corrupt bill to ensure steady decline in corruption. * Pressurize government to protect lives and properties against internal and external aggression. * Corporate existence of Nigeria must be re-defined. * To influence the federal government to provide essentials basic amenities in all our rural area. * Facilitate the sovereign national conference not political retreat as planned by the Obasanjo Administration. * The right of Nigeria child will be pursue with vigor * Pressurize government to give education 100% attention STRATEGY FOR SAVE NIGERIA YOUTHS. (SNY) 1. Pressurise government policies throngs mass media (i.e) print and electronic media. 2. Have representatives in all the state of the Federation. 3. Political education in all the nook and crannies to work against the emergence of political Vultures. 4. Vigorous campaign against corruption. 5. Pressurise government to Improve the standard of living of her Citizenry. 6. We are Interested in the merit of the person been election into the position of Leadership rather than his tribe or geo-political Zone. 7. Pressurise government to create more Jobs opportunities. 8. Corporate existence of Nigeria must be re-defined. 9. Pressurise government to give education 100% attention. 10. To provide essentials basic amenities in all our rural area. PLEASE NIGERIANS YOUTH, JOIN US TODAY! BY WRITING YOUR NAMES AND YOUR PHONE NUMBERS. THANK YOU FORE DOING THAT... GOD WILL BLESS US... LET US MAKE A CHANGES...
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:23:23 +0000

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