Saving Israel from Itself 30 Days of War, Does God Care? In - TopicsExpress


Saving Israel from Itself 30 Days of War, Does God Care? In our family, the older child would never have been allowed to beat up the younger child, no matter what the grievances, without a higher power intervening - much less lock him in a basement for 20 years with little water, food or access to his extended family. What are the long term consequences of what US/Middle East Project President Henry Siegman is calling the slaughter of innocents in Gaza by Israel? Does God care? Following the Holocaust, the last plea from the Jews was: Please do not let good people do nothing when they witness such events. Compliant Americans - It is clear to my eye that the prevaricating US news media has altered the realities with disingenuous statistics about public opinion. When it comes to mediation, the US, like Hillary Clinton voting for the war in Iraq, is morally a lower power. At the lowest level is Congress, pitifully in lockstep with AIPAC and Raytheon, not free to vote their conscience. Maybe because I am a woman, I see this conflict from the side of the underdog, the victim. What has been done is wrong, it is evil, especially as the action was taken with such impunity and against a group of people so small, so helpless. America, shame on all of us, hiding behind our greed, our self-inflated bigness and saddest of all our ignorance. I am not afraid to write this. I know I am in good, if limited, company with the best of the best Jewish thinkers. I have always asked myself to see the bigger picture when confronted with sizable problems, immense difficulty, certainly tragedy of this size, acknowledging that yes, Hamas and many Palestinians want to see Israel blown into the sea. Indeed, most or many Jews would like the same to happen to Palestine. This is their emotional outcry, but it is not the endpoint nor is it a viable level on which to proceed. If there are those of you who have the capacity to see this world as one world, then you may be a good mediator. If not, think of the people on this earth as a body, one body, and then think that to harm any part of this body is to harm the whole. Think of when you caught your little toe in a door jamb and the pain it sent through your whole body. You didnt cut off your toe just because you were inconvenienced. Granted the toes dont smell like the cheek, but each part of the body is valuable to the whole, not to be violated, loathed, exterminated or disenfranchised. We are all needed. God or whatever loves us all. It is easy to acknowledge how brilliant the Jews are with their innovative, creative, dynamic contributions to this world, even with things which havent been invented yet. The world needs them. What is missing in their politics is distance vision, allowing for all people to participate on this earth as a family. In Israel and Palestine, the consequences dont look good. It is unfair for me to stand on the outside and wonder why the very talented, capable Israelis couldnt have done more to help, not harm the Palestinians who they replaced. In the nineteenth century, when the Scotch English settled New Zealand, it was with mostly fair and reasonable results, though the Maori might disagree. Heres a story worth visiting. Do any of you know the motivation or the memory of what it was that drove Sirhan Sirhan to kill Robert F. Kennedy? How many Sirhan Sirhans have been created in the last 30 days during this fear hazed cleansing? And if you havent seen what our up-to-your-tricks young generation is seeing on social media and Twitter... https://twitter/rb6a/status/495298144033177601/photo/1 This is what grieves me. And finally, pardon me for speaking out, but you asked me to.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:44:05 +0000

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