Saving The Sunnah It is said Gabriel’s wings stretched from sky - TopicsExpress


Saving The Sunnah It is said Gabriel’s wings stretched from sky line 2 sky line, Witnessed by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) twice in his life, Sentimental cries tie fundamental beauty within the most gorgeous sight, Been enduring construction site havoc, my only wish witnessing vision clearly, As time passed, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) spent time hiding in the cave, The Sahabi worried of being caught, trusting in Allah (swt) the cure to all sickness, In richness, pleasantly kicking my heels for all eternity, Sincerity, witnessing admiration intermingling with pleasantries, As our hands grab hold of future tenses, muscular variation meant for protection, We can be as strong as a Lion in times of struggle, For we must be as gentle as the bee’s singing of flower nectar during the spring, We must be as gentle as Ant’s crossing paths, reading Surah’s named after the Ant and the Bee, When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would pray, making children smile and laugh for young days are few in number, The essence of time making deals with traveling patterns, Traveling pedestrians with no names call upon books of left and right hands, Our feet, eyes, hands, and tongue will speak of honesty, If I was 2 look in my book, the work cited not finished, We would see lines engraved with cliff notes, missing bibliography pages, What we were meant to accomplish interacts with what we were meant 2 change, What we were meant to change interacts with who we intertwine spines with, In between marriage vows, extracurricular activities, pacing back and forth between the pews, Asking for a few, witnessing travesty from little windows, In dire places, walls caress shoulder bones, spinal tapping, finger tapping, witnessing brash actions, Sometimes wishing more of a blessing, less of a curse, wishing for gentle breezes through prison bars, Young men asking for a cold dome, point a barrel to their dome, As prior Prophet’s (peace be upon them all) were tested, Thrown in fires, tasting splitting waves, ocean channels opening paths for the righteous, Some ask if the pain is 2 familiar, risking our lives ignorant ways, Transparent ways, mis-understood ways, not ignorant ways but rage and strength hidden deep inside, I had seen young souls wanting to live alone, wanting to leave lives behind, When it get’s bad, it’s not all bad, remember your Mother’s laugh when she hold’s you dear, Witnessing beauty within walks and steps of stairwells leading from Sunnah to Jennah, If not understanding leaning backseat, wait for the time to lean front seat, Past actions, prior disapproval, afraid of where you go yet still holding a rifle in your right hand, Words of wisdom from family roots, heritage grows from signature lines to Angels recording memories, God is not hidden, wishing one can see where one can touch where one can feel, hoping belief is unconditional, Witnessing scenes from movies, Pulp Fiction, Scarface, area squares youth dead is not feature film material, We need to acquire Allah’s (swt) signature, letting us remind ourselves of what we work for and work towards, Children from our wombs, father figures who left, witnessing new father figures who never leave, It’s about witnessing Sunnah which makes us truthful, causing blessings, curing curses, Taking away pain, dropping the hot barrel from young people’s hands, Making way for lives saved, not lives wasted, opening up truth as hearts become true fixtures of Allah (swc), SO when we think it’s all bad, watching other’s eyes, reading words from desperation, Take the Sunnah we walk in, as if we believe in it, as if we cling to it with our lives, Have it worth the extension, knowing we can extend what we have, causing the rifles to be put down, As Youth lose lives to no faith, we must save lives to keep our faith, For my pain encompasses like wise walks of likewise youth, All I ask is, don’t Quit, don’t Quit, Keep me in reach if you ever need someone to listen, peace.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 21:04:44 +0000

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