Saving our sons one at a time! Our midwife showed us a video of a - TopicsExpress


Saving our sons one at a time! Our midwife showed us a video of a circumcision being performed and it was enough to make us ask WHY are we REALLY considering a circumcision? It IS surgery and the baby (and man) ARE forever changed. Many of us do this procedure because its all we know. Or because it was done to someone in our family. Perhaps because we just arent fully AWARE of the consequences. I know that we were all on board to get our son snipped... and had no real good reason except Thats what was done to my husband. The topic of Female circumcision makes people cringe and scroll to the next page. Its a topic unspoken by many. Why is male circumcision any different? Do your son a huge favor and research before you snip. So one day when he says Why did you circumcise? or Why didnt you circumcise? You wont have to say Because thats all I knew.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 18:55:53 +0000

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