Savvy Stories, The Book - Chapter 1, continued Once we were sure - TopicsExpress


Savvy Stories, The Book - Chapter 1, continued Once we were sure that this baby thing was actually going to happen, I decided to have some fun and tease my friends on Facebook by starting a countdown, and then let them guess for a few days to see what it was I was counting down to. Every day, I would post something like, “75 days to go…” and then the next day post “74 days…” and then offer no details, even ignoring my countdown as I posted about other things going on. People started guessing all sorts of things: sports events, concerts, birthdays… That became a thing of its own, and ended up with me posting about it enough to have 30 or 40 people following us into the delivery room at the hospital on FB, like devoted fans of an online soap opera. But it was much more of an evolving thing than I’m explaining it here; I’m just trying not to sound like too much of a jerk for posting about how far she was dilated during the morning of the delivery. It really was quite the event. You should have been there. I almost wasn’t. No kidding. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEKEND STARTING FRIDAY AUGUST 30 FOR THE 3-DAY GRAND FINALE
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 10:00:02 +0000

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