Saw the Trailer on Entertainment Tonight for the new movie Noah. - TopicsExpress


Saw the Trailer on Entertainment Tonight for the new movie Noah. This looks like its going to be a pretty good movie. Sure, everyone knows the story and how it ends. I think its really something tho to see it put in a way where you are actually Witnessing the event. Already tons of controversy over the Accuracy. To be expected. People are passionate when it come to stuff like this. At the beginning and the ending of the trailer is a Disclaimer that says. . . The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis. Of course this is the way it is. However, to move forward on a story that no one witnessed that is alive today. . . All you can expect is to stay faithful to the story. Faithful To The Intent and Idea of the Story. The scene in the trailer where the animals are going onto the Ark. . . Well, you all know what the Sunday School books looked like when we were kids. . . 2 Elephants, 2 lions, 2 giraffes. . . . lined up in a row walking Two-by-Two into the ark. Watching the Action in this tailer of what it must have been like just intensifies the story, for me anyway, what it must have been like. In the movie, the animals are Fake but the Ark is real. Doesnt matter. Its in what Spirit the story is told that matters. I believe. I think this movie is in the spirit of the story. Its got to be Entertaining too or no one now a days would watch it. Its my understanding that they Really did build the Ark for this movie that its faithful to the specs outlined in the Bible. Its Huge! I always envisioned it to be a Ship type thing. With a Bow and a Stern. Or, for you Non-Naval folks. . . A Pointy end and a Flat end. After seeing this tonight it makes sense that its more of a Box. Something that will float and keep the contents safe and not let water in. Long time ago. . . I read an article. This was mostly directed to Music but it really does apply to anything. Even the story of Noahs Ark. Hopefully, I can convey the essence of the story here. . . When you experience or See or Hear something that is New to you. No matter how long its been around. At that moment when you First experience it, youve shared in the Very 1st time! The fact that you heard a Symphony last night for the first time that was written and first performed 200 years ago. The Delay for your experience of it makes no difference. Seeing it today is the Same as if was happening as you watch it. DEEP! 2nd opinion. . . Very Deep! But, this is true once you understand the concept. Took me a while to understand the concept. The first time you ever hear Beethovens 5th Symphony is Just Like You Were Sitting In The Audience the first time it was ever performed in public in Vienna in 1804. What you experience the first time you hear it is the same thing those people experienced that night they actually sat in that theater and heard the 1st performance. I thought about this tonight while I watched that trailer. Imagine what that must have been like that day all of those animals where lined up to walk or crawl or fly onto that Ark. Is this Hollywood scene Accurate? Who knows and who cares. Just seeing this scene makes me be still more amazed at the idea. Its Fuel for my Imagination to build on and fill in the missing pieces. OMG! What an event this must have been that day long long ago. Thinking that the animals, using only Instinct wouldnt know why this was happening to them. Why are the Zebras able to stand next to the Lions, their Arch-Enemy and not be afraid of being eaten?? Theres one scene in the Trailer where someone says to the actor, Russell Crowe, that plays Noah and says in essence, How, can you talk to me like that when I have all of these men backing me up and you are standing there All Alone? Crowes reply. . . Im NOT Alone! When I was a little boy. When wed see a Rainbow in the sky after a storm. My Dad Always said to us boys. . . .That Rainbow is Gods Promise that he will Never flood the Earth again. Perhaps, I can talk Erin into seeing this with me sometime in the near future. Erin is my Standing Movie Date. Its important for a Guy to have one of those. Me being the way I am, and, everyone knows what that means, needs someone like Erin for my Movie Date. Going to see a movie with someone that really Watches the movie and even if they dont understand a scene, they remember it and can talk about it later and give their opinion on why So-and-So did or said what they did. Ya. . . Erins like that. Thats important! Dont feel Bad or Cheated about this Mo! Remember. . . I always invite you, alone, as my Date to the Dinners and Parties that I go to. I couldnt imagine it being any other way for those times. OMG. . . Where else can an Old man have two Young & Beautiful women that he strings along for their Companionship?? Plus, neither of them have any jealousy of Sharing me with another. LOL Life Is Good! Life is Good when you have Good people around you!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:58:54 +0000

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