Saw this as a comment posted on Reddit by /u/novictim. Had to - TopicsExpress


Saw this as a comment posted on Reddit by /u/novictim. Had to share. THIS is whats wrong with America. Well, most of whats wrong, anyway. And so we have even more stories of police corruption and, literally, police departments using the tactics of fascist political parties from the past. Great. But it is much worse than that. We have CIA torture. CIA lying about torture. CIA wiretapping and attempting to erase Senate investigators electronic documents on torture. And we have the NSA conducting mass surveillance and assembling electronic dossiers on every US citizen in violation of legal limitations. And we have the NSAs Clapper presenting a boldfaced denial of the illegal programs in front of every US Elected Representative and the people. And we have the Justice Department under Eric Holder refusing to bring charges against the officials involved in illegal torture. And not a peep about prosecuting Clapper. And we have both Republican and Democrat administrations taking massive contributions from Wall Street even as they embarked on a massive program of fraud and theft and received bail out money to the tune of $5-6Trillion by way of QE. And we have the Justice department choosing NOT to prosecute the individual bankers involved in the Fraud activities They are too big to jail. And we have the Supreme Court of the United States striking down ALL the anti-corruption laws we ever fought valiantly for, declaring Money is Speech (and not bribery) and that Corporations have, and should have, MORE rights than actual people and that having a system of legalized bribery is a good thing! And then we have the FCC under the monied hands and corporate sweet-heart, Tom Wheeler, who is, at this very minute, researching how he can grant Comcast and Verizon and ATT the right to control Americas access to a free and open internet WITHOUT making it appear as a violation of Net Neutrality. And finally, we have the American electorate, so overworked, impoverished, ill informed, demoralized, and divided on lines of identity politics/race that they cant even connect the dots anymore, or organize a resistance or, most importantly, see the looming boot of class warfare being repeatedly stomped on them.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 01:23:56 +0000

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