Saw this post from someone else. I was suspicious and investigated - TopicsExpress


Saw this post from someone else. I was suspicious and investigated and here is what I wrote..... XXXX.......i read your comment to the obama speech about not wanting moms to have a choice to stay home. something about that article was fishy so i investigated and yes, my suspicions were right on target. first off, the clip listed on the link was only 28 seconds long, certainly ripe for something having been edited or taken out of context and then i saw it was from the brietbart site. a notorious lier and manipulator with those now in his empty shoes doing the same thing. i then looked online to see if i could see a larger excerpt that this 28 seconds and yes indeed...... this clip had been taken out of context. in the fuller context obama had said that there was not enough affordable day care so that women could if they chose to, could go to work and not pay as much as a public university fee to have their preschooler looked after, he did not want women to be forced to stay at home if that is what they wanted to do (go work). this is selective edited in order to tell a lie, which i have heard on instances on fox also, the notorious one being “you didn’t build that”, promoted by fox and introduced (i heard this contemporaneously on fox on hannity’s show, having heard the complete context earlier) as the unedited version........ they completely lied........ this is not a misstatement that happens a lot to anyone, but this was deliberate and this was not the first nor the last time they or breitbart has done this....... i get so pissed at this and there are people so attuned to believing anything these guys say, having been almost bathed in fox lies and inuendos and uncritical thinking and the repetition of lies over and over again, it is beyond embarrassing and should rightfully cause you and other to rise up and say never, never, never! you had asked for alternative news voices and i sent you the name of democracy now and i would also add, if i didn’t already, TYT, the young turks. fox and their ilk have for a long time foisted this crap on the american public, feeding on fears and even racism, but mostly it’s fear and xenophobia. i noticed that i could not write a comment on that link you sent but if you care about being accurate and not be made a fool of, i ask you to declare this is lie on that very posting you did, it is a lie and deceptive and how could an honest person not stand up to this. whew got that off my can even post this as my response if you like the right wing is specifically going after the single/working mother vote, and being so close to election day, they do this.... this is not unprecedented, since you unwittingly contributed to this hoax, would you post our conversation, both parts, to that post?
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:22:15 +0000

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