Say No to Boycott System….!!!! It’s hideous and shameful to - TopicsExpress


Say No to Boycott System….!!!! It’s hideous and shameful to learn each morning that few anti-education elements have announced for the academic closure of University of Sindh. They often opt for prolonged boycotts sometimes for months. People of University administration remain at loggerhead with each other to score points instead of resolving the issue meretriciously. Provincial rulers watch as silent spectators as usual. They have never paid an attention to this issue. In this way, obviously, they have contributed in making situation the worst. Regretfully, it’s pathetic to see that how our university has been vulnerable to this so called notorious boycott system which has far reaching educational implications. The worst still is the response of men at helm of affairs in University. As mentioned earlier, few corrupt and unscrupulous persons holding higher positions spoil the situation and let things go from bad to worse. The onus of responsibility equally lies with us too. Though, we discuss the deteriorating state of education around our dining tables each night, but seldom have we tried to raise voice against these rotten elements. If we are unable to stand against any kind of injustice prevailed in our society, let me assure you that there is not going to be happen a miracle for us. Unlike past, we have better platforms at our disposal nowadays. In this regard, Social media can be used as the best platform to raise our voice against these anti-education elements. We often waste our time in useless narcissistic activities all the day on Face book. If used wisely and timely, it can be transformed into a powerful tool to get desired results easily. Being a student myself, I request the respected members of intelligentsia and civil society, media persons, teachers, students and parents to come up and play their much needed and decisive role in these crucial times. I was inspired to write this note after reading an article of Sir Noor Ahmed Janjhi published in one of today’s Sindhi dailies. He has dared to call spade a spade and rightly pointed out factors which are responsible for deteriorating state of our education especially higher education. Kudus to him for coming up with an eye opener write up. People like him can make a big difference in our society. There is no denying the fact that our nation is at cross roads. The only way to get our nation out of this vicious circle of darkness and ignorance is EDUCATION and AWARENESS is powerful tool to spread education among masses. Social media can be the best platform to raise awareness about education. Its high time we went to play our much needed role. Our silence will destroy the future of millions of poor affected students. Habit of our neutrality during crucial times may question our character. “The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict”
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:54:11 +0000

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